Visiting MCC Creative Writing Alumnus Justine Alfano
Room 9-242 or via Zoom
09:00 am - 10:00 am
Please spread the word (especially to any students who might be interested in pursuing Creative Writing as a major) that Visiting CW01 Alumnus Justine Alfano is coming to campus next week, and all are welcome!
- Date: Friday, February 14, 9 to 9:50 AM
- Location: Building 9, Room 242
Justine Alfano (she/her) received her AS degree in creative writing from Monroe Community College in 2023. As a student at MCC, Alfano primarily took classes online but never ceased the opportunity to enter school literary competitions to stay involved. One of her nonfiction essays won first place for its category at MCC and went on to win a national League’s Student Literary Award. In her senior year, she worked as an intern for BOA Editions, a nonprofit publisher of poetry in Rochester. She is now the director of production at BOA and is grateful that she gets to work with young professionals alike and authors from all walks of life. This year, Alfano plans to get some of her own work published, while continuing to grow in her role at work. One day she hopes to write and illustrate her own graphic novel where she can marry her love for both art and writing.
This event is made possible by a donation from one of our Senior Auditors. Please email Maria Brandt ( with any questions.