MCC Daily Tribune
Gretchen Wood, VP Institutional Advancement, Executive Director, MCC Foundation Receives National Award
I am proud to share that the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) named Gretchen Wood, Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Executive Director of the MCC Foundation, as one of two recipients of the 2025 CASE Commonfund College and University Foundation Award. Kathy Schmidlkofer, President and CEO of the University of Minnesota Foundation, was named the other recipient. They will receive their awards at a formal ceremony at the CASE Conference and College and University Foundations in Chicago next month.
The CASE Commonfund College and University Foundation Award recognizes individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to their foundations' advancement, quality, and effectiveness. The Commonfund Institute, which underwrites the award, is the research arm of Commonfund, which provides investment management services to nonprofit organizations and other institutions.
Please join me in congratulating Gretchen on this prestigious honor and thanking her for all she does on behalf of Monroe Community College.
DeAnna Burt-Nanna
Office of the President