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MCC Daily Tribune

TCC: Instructional Development Stipends Interest Meeting

Please save the date of March 13, 2025, and join the Teaching and Creativity Center for an interest meeting about the Instructional Development Stipends. Amy Betti, one of our stipend recipients, will share her project and experience. This session will help interested applicants learn about the stipend process and their colleagues' projects.

When: March 13, 2025 (Thursday)
Time: 3 to 4 p.m.
Place: TCC Room (Building 12-201, Brighton) or join via zoom

For interested applicants, please note that Instructional Development Stipends applications are due on April 28, 2025. Please review the information below, and if you have questions, please contact Melis Kural (

Instructional Development Stipends Application is Due April 28

In an effort to support reflective practice in teaching, the College supports short-term faculty innovation projects through summer Instructional Development Stipends (IDS). These summer stipends are awarded to faculty to make a concrete change in a course that solves an identified problem. Funding is limited and typically ranges from $500 to $1500.  

Innovations will be defined differently in different departments. To communicate why your project should be considered an innovation, please clearly define a problem and propose a solution that you could implement with a summer IDS grant. Assume that your proposal will be read by colleagues outside of your department and area of expertise. Projects will be ranked based on:  

  • Clarity of problem: The problem is clear to a college-wide audience. This should be written for an educated non-specialist.
  • Evidence of impact of the problem: Applicant has collected relevant quantitative and/or qualitative data 
  • Proposed innovative solution: The project is clearly defined. What will you produce?
  • Project impact and feasibility: How big will the impact be? How long will the impact last? Does the project solve the identified problem? 
  • Anticipated time spent: The number of hours needed to complete the project is clearly defined and mapped out over the summer when faculty are off contract. It is feasible that the project can be completed in this amount of time.
  • Proposed way to share the work with other faculty members through the TCC. (These can vary, but should be offered to a college-wide audience and include a self-assessment of the project.)  

Applications will be reviewed by a college-wide committee of faculty peers, who will send recommendations to the Associate Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs.  Recipients will be contacted directly by the beginning of June.    

To continue to spread reflective practice in teaching and mindful innovation, upon completion of the project, IDS recipients will be invited to share their expertise and a self-assessment through the Teaching and Creativity Center’s programming.    

To submit an application for a summer IDS grant, please describe the faculty innovation project using the following sections:  

  • Identify the problem  
  • Evidence of impact of the problem  
  • Proposed innovative solution  
  • Expected impact of the project  
  • Anticipated time spent  
  • Proposed way to share this work with other faculty through the TCC  

Preference will be given to proposals that clearly support completion of college-level Math and English and courses with higher enrollment and lower success rates.  

Complete your Instructional Development Stipends application online. 

Deadline to apply: Monday, April 28, 2025

If you have questions, please reach out to Melis Kural at

Melis Kural
Teaching & Creativity Center