College Directory
North Faculty TowerBrighton Campus
Building: 5, Room: 414
Phone Number: 585-292-2025
Fax Number: 585-292-3833
Web Site: Psychology
Staff Listing
Name | Phone # | |
Horwitz, Rebecca C., Chairperson | 585-292-3278 | rhorwitz |
Benedict, Sarah E., Secretary | 585-292-3334 | sbenedict003 |
Baker, Jeffrey S. | 585-292-3633 | jbaker2 |
Ciaccia, Paul J. | pciaccia | |
Coleman, Renee A. | 585-292-3228 | rcoleman25 |
Coulson, Danielle | dcoulson | |
Crosetti, Laura A. | lcrosetti | |
DeGraff, Michelle | mdegraff3 | |
Della Porta, Serenity | sdellaporta1 | |
Della Porta, Matthew | 585-685-6217 | mdellaporta2 |
Knapp, Andrew | 585-292-3258 | aknapp |
Kress, Patricia A. | 585-292-3295 | pkress |
Lanzafame, Jessica | jlanzafame2 | |
Loshigian, Dawn M. | dloshigian | |
Ofsowitz, Michael S. | 585-292-3211 | mofsowitz |
Robinson, Wayne J. | wrobinson | |
Salamida, Gregory | gsalamida | |
Waghorn, Kevin L. | kwaghorn | |
Washco, Michael | mwashco | |
Willard, Wanda A. | 585-292-3311 | wwillard |
Wilson, Mary E. | 585-292-3273 | mwilson42 |
Word, Kira | kword1 | |
Ziarnowski, Anthony P. | aziarnowski |
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