College Directory
MCC Foundation
Downtown CampusBuilding: 32, Room: 402
Phone Number: 585-685-6020
Web Site: MCC Foundation
Staff Listing
Name | Phone # | |
Wood, Gretchen D., Vice President, Institutional Advancement; Executive Director, MCC Foundation | 585-685-6334 | gwood9 |
Pastorella, Mark J., Assoc. Vice President, Development | 585-685-6317 | mpastorella |
Fluman, Lisa M., Assoc. Director, Advancement Services | 585-685-6303 | lfluman |
Sanagursky, Christyn M., Assoc. Director of Development | 585-685-6148 | csanagursky |
Birnie, Emily , Assist. Director of Development | 585-685-6176 | ebirnie |
Shaw, Karen A., Assist. Director of Development | 585-685-6147 | kshaw |
Dodson, Kimberly A., Development Assistant | 585-685-6328 | kdodson001 |
Spohr, Katherine S., Development Assistant | 585-685-6351 | kspohr1 |
Frank, Janette , Administrative Asst. and Board Secretary | 585-685-6323 | jfrank16 |
Nikolov, Morgan , Coordinator, Advancement Services | 585-685-6177 | mnikolov |
Cohen, Emily A. | ecohen15 | |
Rivoli, Stephanie L. | 585-685-6282 | srivoli5 |
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