New and Updated Course Descriptions
COM 245 (formerly COM 109) - An Introduction to Public Relations
3 Credits
A survey of the roles and responsibilities of the public relations professional in private and public organizations. Examination of the importance of the audience and audience research in public relations program planning, how public relations differs from advertising and the use of traditional publicity tools like press releases and press kits to reach targeted audiences. Exploration of the use of the Internet to reach key stakeholders and its use as a distribution channel for publicity. Recognition of the importance of ethics, integrity and relationship building as a cornerstone of public relations.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Define public relations.
2. Differentiate public relations from marketing, advertising, or promotion.
3. Explain the major functions of public relations.
4. Identify tactics used in the public relations profession.
5. Develop a basic public relations plan.
6. Identify components of a crisis communication plan.
7. Identify the major ethical principles underlying the profession.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
Use links below to see if this course is offered:Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025