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New and Updated Course Descriptions

PHY 132 - Applied Physics II

4 Credits

A continuation of PHY 131. Topics to include the properties of materials, temperature, heat and thermodynamics, vibrational motion, wave motion, sound, and geometrical and physical optics.

Prerequisite(s): PHY 131 with a grade of C.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Solve a 1-step temperature and the kinetic theory of gases problem that requires algebra.
2. Solve a 1-step thermal expansion problem that requires algebra.
3. Solve a 2-step mechanical waves problem using algebra.
4. Solve a 1-step superposition and standing waves problem using trigonometry and algebra.
5. Solve a 2-step reflection and refraction of light problem using algebra.
6. Solve a 1-step interference and diffraction problem using algebra.
7. Demonstrate competency with basic lab instruments.
8. Differentiate between good and bad data.
9. Write a conclusion for a laboratory experiment.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025