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New and Updated Course Descriptions

GEO 103 - Great Mysteries of the Earth

3 Credits

How do you sort fact from fiction? What evidence reliably supports the existence of legendary creatures, geologic cataclysms, or the role of humans in modern climate change? Through the investigation of alleged unexplainable phenomena, this course examines arguments supporting unresolved mysteries and key geologic insights. By exploring case studies, students will learn to recognize bias, evaluate sources of information, and critique the underlying evidence of extraordinary claims.

New SUNY General Education:
SUNY - Critical Thinking and Reasoning Competency

MCC General Education: MCC-SCI - Scientific Reasoning (MSCI)

Course Learning Outcomes
1.Identify an argument’s premise and supporting evidence
2.Recognize bias and logical fallacies in an argument
3.Deconstruct an argument’s interpretation of the facts.
4.Analyze an unsolved mystery using data, evidence, and reasoning
5.Distinguish science from non-science
6.Develop a testable hypothesis
7.Evaluate sources of evidence and their validity.
8.Explain geologic activity using plate tectonic theory
9.Differentiate between natural and human-induced climate change
10.Summarize major changes in biodiversity throughout geologic time.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025