New |
AAD - Applied Art and Design |
AAD 181 - Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Art |
AAD 101 - Introduction to Animation |
ARA - Arabic/Foreign Language |
ARA 203 - Intermediate Arabic I |
CLT - Clinical Laboratory Technician |
CLT 115 - Phlebotomy Practicum |
CLT 204 - Clinical Microbiology I |
CLT 240 - Molecular Diagnostics |
CLT 250 - Clinical Rotations |
COM - Communication |
COM 118 - First Year Seminar in Communication |
COM 244 - Social Media Strategies |
COM 247 - Organizational Communication |
COM 114 - Communication Theory |
COS - College Success |
COS 181 - Strategies for Academic Progress (Special Studies) |
CPT - Computer Technology |
CPT 251 - Network and Security Administration Capstone |
CPT 206 - Network Defense Fundamentals |
CPT 219 - Enterprise Networking |
CPT 106 - Managing Windows End Devices |
CPT 130 - Computer Support Fundamentals |
DAS - Dental Assisting |
DAS 111 - Dental Radiography for the Dental Assistant |
DAS 112 - Dental Materials for the Dental Assistant |
DAS 107 - DART Completion |
DAS 100 - DART Preparation Forum |
DAS 113 - Infection Control for the Dental Assistant |
ELT - Electrical Engineering Technology/Electronics |
ELT 212 - Digital and Microcontroller Systems |
ELT 210 - C/C++ Programming for Electrical Engineering Technology |
EMS - Emergency Medical Services |
EMS 112 - Applied Emergency Medical Services |
EMS 254 - Paramedic Clinical and Field Experience IV |
EMS 253 - Paramedic Clinical and Field Experience III |
EMS 252 - Paramedic Clinical and Field Experience II |
EMS 204 - Operational Delivery of Paramedic Care |
ENG - English Writing |
ENG 131 - Composition in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences |
FPT - Fire Protection Technology |
FPT 260 - Contemporary Issues in the Fire Service |
FPT 100 - Principles of Fire and Emergency Services |
FSA - Food Service Administration |
FSA 211 - Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Baking and Pastry |
GEG - Geography |
GEG 236 - Geospatial Data Acquisition and Management |
GEG 238 - Introduction to Geospatial Programming |
GEO - Geology |
GEO 109 - General Astronomy |
HIM - Health Information Technology |
HIM 140 - Survey of Health Information Technology Concepts |
HSM - Homeland Security Administration |
HSM 108 - Introduction to Intelligence Processes |
HSP - Hospitality |
HSP 225 - Italy-Hospitality, Culture, and Society on Location |
HUM - Human Services |
HUM 217 - Skills for Mental Health Services |
HUM 109 - Introduction to Helping Skills |
LAS - Liberal Arts |
LAS 220 - Liberal Arts Capstone |
MET - Mechanical Technology |
MET 150 - Industrial Robotics |
MMP - Automotive Technology |
MMP 202 - Engine Performance II |
MMP 201 - Engine Performance I |
MMP 152 - Automotive Electrical I |
MMP 274 - MMAP Work Experience IV |
MMP 203 - Automotive Electrical II |
MMP 272 - MMAP Work Experience II |
MMP 156
- Steering and Suspension |
MMP 151 - Introduction to Automotive Service |
MMP 158 - Engine Repair |
MMP 101 - Survey of Automotive Service Lab |
MMP 159 - Heating and Air Conditioning |
MMP 273 - MMAP Work Experience III |
MMP 204 - Transmissions and Drivetrain |
MMP 155 - Automotive Braking Systems |
MMP 271 - MMAP Work Experience I |
MTH - Mathematics |
MTH 065 - Support for College Algebra |
MTH 060 - Support Lab for Statistics |
MUS - Music |
MUS 177 - Diverse Music and Social Justice |
PHL - Philosophy |
PHL 255 - Professional Ethics for Science and Medicine |
PHY - Physics |
PHY 110 - HVACR Physics |
PLS - Paralegal Studies |
PLS 256 - Criminal Law and Procedure for Paralegals |
PPE - Physical Studies/Physical Education |
PPE 272 - Diversity and Equity Issues in Health and Wellness |
PPE 250 - Fitness and Wellness |
SCR - Computer Security |
SCR 222 - CyberOps Associate |
SCR 213 - Digital Forensics Fundamentals |
SKT - Tooling and Machining |
SKT 172 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training II |
SKT 103 - Apprentice Related Instruction III |
SKT 101 - Apprentice Related Instruction I |
SKT 175 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training V |
SKT 171 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training I |
SKT 173 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training III |
SKT 104 - Apprentice Related Instruction IV |
SKT 174 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training IV |
SKT 102 - Apprentice Related Instruction II |
SKT 105 - Apprentice Related Instruction V |
TAM - Tooling and Machining |
TAM 271 - Advanced Manufacturing Co Op |
TOY - Toyota |
TOY 205 - Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 1 |
TOY 200 - Engine Performance 1 |
TOY 192 - Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems 1 |
TOY 195 - Brakes |
TOY 209 - Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 5 |
TOY 196 - Steering and Suspension |
TOY 201 - Engine Performance 2 |
TOY 207 - Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 3 |
TOY 203 - Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems 2 |
TOY 204 - Manual Drivetrain and Axles |
TOY 198 - Engine Repair |
TOY 191 - Introduction to Automotive Service |
TOY 210 - Electrified Powertrain Systems |
TOY 199 - Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning |
TRS - Transitional Studies |
TRS 091 - Academic English Essentials Lab |
TRS 050 - Support Lab for Survey of Mathematics |
TRS 090 - Academic English Essentials |
XRT - Radiologic Technology |
XRT 105 - Medical Imaging Terminology |
XRT 216 - Radiation Protection and Biology |
XRT 227 - Computed Tomography Principles |
XRT 226 - Management and Leadership in Radiology |
XRT 108 - Contrast Media |
XRT 107 - Image Processing |
XRT 125 - Image Production 2 |
XRT 106 - Patient Care in Medical Imaging |
XRT 114 - Imaging Procedures 1 |
XRT 109 - Skull Imaging |
XRT 124 - Imaging Procedures 2 |
XRT 214 - Image Production 3 |
XRT 228 - Advanced Imaging |
XRT 115 - Image Production 1 |
Updated |
AAD - Applied Art and Design |
AAD 107 - A History of Graphic Design |
AAD 105 - Typography |
AAD 160 - Graphic Illustration: Vector Drawing |
ACC - Accounting |
ACC 204 - Tax Procedures |
ACC 210 - Intermediate Accounting I |
ACC 201 - Accounting Using QuickBooks |
ACC 102 - Accounting Principles II |
ACC 220 - Cost Accounting |
AGS - Agricultural Studies |
AGS 101 - Introduction to Agriculture |
AGS 150 - General Microbiology for Food and Agriculture |
AGS 110 - Introduction to Greenhouse Management |
ANT - Anthropology |
ANT 102 - Cultural Anthropology |
ART - Art |
ART 205 - Commercial Illustration I |
ART 130 - Sculpture I |
ART 206 - Commercial Illustration II |
ART 110 - Comics and Sequential Art |
ART 101 - Art Essentials |
ART 109 - Two-Dimensional Design: Foundation |
ART 119 - Perspectives of Art History II: Modern |
ART 118 - Perspectives of Art History I: Ancient |
ART 120 - Painting I |
ART 290 - Independent Study |
ART 104 - Drawing I: Foundation |
ART 115 - Introduction to Illustration |
ART 108 - Sketchbook: Processes and Materials |
ASL - American Sign Language/Foreign Language |
ASL 204 - American Sign Language IV |
ASL 102 - American Sign Language II |
ASL 101 - American Sign Language I |
ASL 203 - American Sign Language III |
ASL 201 - American Deaf Culture and Community |
ATP - Automotive Technology |
ATP 107 - Automatic Transmission and Transaxle - Automotive |
ATP 101 - Introduction to Automotive Technology |
ATP 102 - Electrical 1 |
ATP 108 - Engine Repair - Automotive |
ATP 100 - Automotive Services |
ATP 109 - Heating and Air Conditioning |
ATP 112 - Engine Performance - Automotive |
ATP 106 - Steering and Suspension |
ATP 104 - Emission Controls, Computer and Fuel Systems I |
ATP 105 - Brakes |
ATP 103 - Electrical 2 |
BIO - Biology |
BIO 226 - Bioanalytical Techniques II |
BIO 221 - Principles of Biochemistry |
BIO 155 - Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology |
BIO 260 - General Ecology |
BIO 148 - Fundamentals of Biology and Inheritance |
BIO 132 - Laboratory to Accompany Human Biology |
BIO 202 - Microbiology |
BIO 230 - Molecular Genetics |
BIO 156 - Introduction to Organismal Biology and Ecology |
BIO 209 - General Microbiology |
BIO 195 - Field Studies in Biology |
BIO 217 - Nutrition |
BUS - Business |
BUS 210 - Entrepreneurial Studies II |
BUS 250 - International Management and Marketing |
BUS 275 - Business Cooperative Education |
CDL - Interdisciplinary |
CDL 110 - Career Exploration |
CE - Disney College Program Internship |
CE 255 - Disney College Program Internship |
CHE - Chemistry |
CHE 151 - General College Chemistry I |
CHE 100 - Preparatory Chemistry |
CHE 152 - General College Chemistry II |
CHE 251 - Organic Chemistry I |
CHE 124 - General, Organic, and Biochemistry |
CHE 145 - Preparation for General College Chemistry |
CHE 110 - Chemistry in the Kitchen |
CHE 252 - Organic Chemistry II |
CHI - Chinese/Foreign Language |
CHI 203 - Intermediate Chinese I |
CIN - Cinema Studies |
CIN 120 - Introduction to Cinema |
CIT - Civil and Construction Technology |
CIT 122 - Construction I: Elements of Building Construction |
CIT 101 - Surveying |
CIT 123 - Introduction to Heavy, Highway and Site Construction |
CLT - Clinical Laboratory Technician |
CLT 255 - Clinical Rotation III - Chemistry, Immunology and Phlebotomy |
CLT 253 - Clinical Rotation II - Hematology and Immunohematology |
CLT 130 - Body Fluids and Urinalysis |
CLT 205 - Clinical Microbiology II |
CLT 202 - Serological Techniques |
CLT 260 - Medical Laboratory Technology Seminar |
CLT 251 - Clinical Rotation I - Microbiology and Urinalysis |
CLT 110 - Specimen Procurement and Processing |
CLT 220 - Immunohematology |
CLT 201 - Immunology |
CLT 210 - Clinical Chemistry |
CLT 100 - Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology |
COM - Communication |
COM 101 - Introduction to Mass Media |
COM 235
(formerly COM 120) - Media Literacy |
COM 242
(formerly COM 130) - Media Writing |
COM 204 - Audio Production |
COM 150 - Video Production I |
COM 240
(formerly COM 131) - Principles of Journalism |
COM 245
(formerly COM 109) - An Introduction to Public Relations |
COM 270 - Media and Society |
COM 267 - Video Editing |
COM 211 - Practicum in Media I |
COM 202 - Techniques of Television I |
COS - College Success |
COS 133 - College Orientation and Success Strategies |
COS 101 - College Orientation |
CPT - Computer Technology |
CPT 270 - Information and Computer Technology Practicum |
CPT 101 - Introduction to Computing |
CPT 125 - Physical Security |
CPT 115 - Introduction to Networks |
CPT 114 - Problem Solving and Robotics |
CRC - Computer Related Curricula |
CRC 110 - Introduction to Web Site Design |
CRC 170 - Spreadsheet Applications Excel |
CRJ - Criminal Justice |
CRJ 101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice |
CRJ 121 - Criminal Justice Education Internship I |
CRJ 103 - Constitutional Law and Rights of People |
CRJ 211 - Community Values and the Administration of Justice |
CSC - Computer Science |
CSC 223 - Computer Programming - C++ |
CSC 202 - Programming Embedded Microcontrollers in C and Assembly |
CSC 101 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming |
DAS - Dental Assisting |
DAS 105 - DART Specialty Dentistry |
DAS 104 - DART Radiography |
DAS 103 - DART Dental Materials |
DAS 120 - Clinical Dental Assisting Practice |
DAS 115 - Orientation to Dental Assisting Clinical Practice |
DAS 114 - Biomedical Sciences for Dental Assisting Practice |
DAS 102 - DART Infection Control |
DAS 123 - Specialty Dentistry for the Dental Assistant |
DAS 110 - Preclinical Dental Assisting |
DAS 101 - DART Clinical Dental Assisting |
DAS 106 - DART Biomedical Sciences |
DEN - Dental Hygiene |
DEN 213 - General & Oral Pathology II |
DEN 111 - Dental Radiography I |
DEN 114 - Dental Hygiene I |
DEN 214 - Dental Hygiene III |
DEN 112 - Oral Anatomy and Physiology I |
DEN 212 - Community Oral Health I |
DEN 124 - Dental Hygiene II |
DEN 225 - Clinical Dental Hygiene IV |
DEN 222 - Community Oral Health II |
DEN 211 - Dental Materials |
DEN 115 - Clinical Dental Hygiene I |
DEN 224 - Dental Hygiene IV |
DEN 110 - Dental Health Education |
DEN 122 - Oral Anatomy and Physiology II |
DEN 129 - Periodontics I |
DEN 113 - Barrier Precautions and Infection Control Measures |
DEN 226 - Dental Therapeutics II |
DEN 123 - General & Oral Pathology I |
DEN 217 - Dental Specialties |
DEN 125 - Clinical Dental Hygiene II |
DEN 229 - Periodontics III |
DEN 216 - Dental Therapeutics I |
DEN 215 - Clinical Dental Hygiene III |
DEN 219 - Periodontics II |
DEN 121 - Dental Radiography II |
EBL - Experience Based Learning |
EBL 101 - Experience Based Learning |
ECE - Education and Early Care |
ECE 251 - Family and Culture |
ECE 250 - Infant and Toddler Development |
ECE 151 - Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Young Children |
ECO - Economics |
ECO 111 - Principles of Microeconomics |
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics |
EDU - Education |
EDU 150 - Performance and Presentation Skills for Educators |
EDU 200 - Foundations of Education |
EDU 230 - Introduction to Special Education |
ELT - Electrical Engineering Technology/Electronics |
ELT 205 - Communication Systems |
ELT 111 - Introduction to Digital Electronics |
ELT 102 - Electric Circuit Analysis II |
ELT 130 - System Electricity |
ELT 121 - AC/DC Circuit Analysis |
EMS - Emergency Medical Services |
EMS 272 - Advanced Trauma Issues in Paramedicine |
EMS 246 - Pediatric Advanced Care |
EMS 203 - Advanced Trauma Issues in Paramedicine |
EMS 201 - Introduction to Paramedicine |
EMS 101 - EMS First Responder |
EMS 110 - Emergency Medical Technician |
EMS 270 - Introduction to Paramedicine |
EMS 118 - EMT-Basic Core Review |
EMS 249 - Paramedic Review and Recertification |
EMS 119 - Emergency Medical Technician Recertification |
EMS 251 - Paramedic Clinical and Field Experience I |
EMS 109 - EMS First Responder Recertification |
EMS 250 - 12-Lead EKG Interpretation in the Emergency Setting |
EMS 202 - Paramedicine II |
EMS 171 - Critical Trauma Care |
ENG - English Literature |
ENG 208 - Literature of the Bible |
ENG 220 - Introduction to Dramatic Literature |
ENG 224 - Literature of Horror |
ENG 226 - LGBTQ Literature |
ENG 215 - Children's Literature |
ENG 230 - World Mythology |
ENG 204 - American Literature Since 1865 |
ENG 223 - Science Fiction |
ENG 203 - American Literature to 1865 |
ENG 201 - Early British Literature |
ENG 216 - American Minorities in Literature |
ENG 218 - Introduction to Shakespeare |
ENG 118 - Perpetrators, Victims, and Bystanders: Literature of Genocide |
ENG 115 - Fantasy Literature |
ENG 109 - Crime Fiction |
ENG 210 - Literature of the Black Experience |
ENG 202 - Modern British Literature |
ENG 217 - Women, Gender and Literature |
ENG 105 - Introduction to Literature |
ENG 108 - Literature of the Holocaust |
ENG - English Writing |
ENG 251 - Technical Communication |
ENG 132 - Composition in Professional Studies |
ENG 200 - Advanced Composition |
ENG 130 - Composition in STEM & Health Sciences |
ENG 101 - College Composition |
ENG 273 - Creative Writing Capstone: Publishing and the Profession |
ENG 213 - Creative Writing |
ENG 250 - Professional Communication |
ENG 113 - Introduction to Creative Writing |
ENR - Engineering Science |
ENR 261 - Matlab Programming |
ENR 256 - Mechanics of Materials |
ENR 161 - Introduction to Excel and Programming |
ENR 259 - Engineering Design Lab |
ESL - English For Speakers Of Other Languages (ESOL) |
ESL 120 - ESOL: Integrated Skills 1 |
ESL 140 - ESOL: Reading for Fluency |
ESL 145 - ESOL: Integrated Skills 2 |
ESL 139 - ESOL: Pronunciation |
ESL 179 - ESOL: Grammar |
ESL 201 - ESOL: Integrated Skills 3 |
ESL 158 - ESOL: Oral Communication |
ESL 100 - ESOL: Academic Reading |
FPT - Fire Protection Technology |
FPT 142 - Firefighter Core Competencies Update and Refresher II |
FPT 105 - History of the Fire Service |
FPT 143 - Firefighter Core Competencies Update and Refresher III |
FPT 113 - Firefighter II |
FPT 141 - Firefighter Core Competencies Update and Refresher I |
FPT 204 - Fire Service Strategy and Tactics |
FPT 111 - Firefighter I |
FPT 211 - Fire Investigation: Cause and Origin |
FPT 103 - Building Materials and Construction |
FRE - French/Foreign Language |
FRE 204 - Intermediate French II |
FRE 214 - Intermediate French Conversation II |
FRE 203 - Intermediate French I |
FRE 213 - Intermediate French Conversation I |
FSA - Food Service Administration |
FSA 221 - Cost Control |
FSA 203 - Culinary Arts II: Advanced Food Preparation |
FSA 108 - Principles of Healthy Cooking |
FSA 230 - International Cuisine: Advanced Food Prep |
FSA 119 - Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Food Preparation II |
FSA 109 - Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Food Preparation I |
FSA 107 - Menu Planning |
FSA 205 - Purchasing, Storage and Handling |
GEG - Geography |
GEG 130 - Digital Earth |
GEG 220 - Geography of Genocide |
GEG 230 - Spatial Analysis and GIS |
GEG 103 - Introduction to Meteorology Lab |
GEG 215 - Geography of Travel and Tourism |
GEG 200 - World Regional Geography |
GEG 131 - Cartography |
GEG 102 - Human Geography |
GEG 204 - Introduction to Climatology |
GEG 133 - Introduction to Remote Sensing |
GEG 211 - Economic Geography |
GEG 104 - Introduction to Meteorology |
GEG 237 - Web Mapping |
GEG 239 - Capstone in Geospatial Technology |
GEG 203 - Climatology Lab |
GEO - Geology |
GEO 103 - Great Mysteries of the Earth |
GEO 101 - Physical Geology-GR |
GEO 295 - Field Studies in Geology |
GER - German/Foreign Language |
GER 203 - Intermediate German I |
HED - Health Education |
HED 114 - Health and Safety in the Workplace |
HED 118 - Introduction to Safety and Emergency Care |
HED 115 - Death and Dying |
HED 208 - Chronic and Communicable Disease |
HED 116 - Issues in Child Development and Health |
HED 210 - Integrative Health and Behavior Change Methods |
HED 207 - Emotional Wellness |
HED 130 - Foundations of Health and Wellness |
HED 212 - Women's Health and Wellness |
HED 101 - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Care |
HEG - Health Education Global |
HEG 200 - Multicultural and Diversity Influences in Health and Wellness |
HEG 211 - Black Women's Mental Health and Wellness |
HEG 215 - Global Health and Culture |
HIM - Health Information Technology |
HIM 205 - Professional Practice Experience I |
HIS - History |
HIS 102 - Introduction to African-American Studies |
HIS 154 - Modern East Asian History |
HIS 110 - Global History II: Since the 1500s |
HIS 275 - The Holocaust: History and Legacies |
HIS 112 - United States History II - since 1865 |
HIS 211 - History of Sport in the United States |
HIS 219 - Twentieth Century Europe |
HIS 113 - Western Civilization I: Beginning to 1700s |
HIS 103 - African-American History I: to 1865 |
HIS 109 - Global History I: to the 1500s |
HIS 240 - The City in American History |
HIS 111 - United States History I - to 1865 |
HIS 104 - African-American History II: since 1865 |
HIS 153 - Traditional East Asian History |
HIS 114 - Western Civilization II: 1700s to the Present |
HMN - Humanities |
HMN 220 - Global Humanities I |
HMN 101 - Humanities: Experiencing Culture |
HMN 221 - Global Humanities II |
HON - Honors Studies |
HON 202 - Honors Studies: Scholarly Presentation |
HON 201 - Honors Studies: Scholarly Process |
HON 195 - Honors Seminar in Critical Analysis |
HON 295 - Research Methods and Academic Writing |
HSM - Homeland Security Administration |
HSM 103 - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Terrorism and Homeland Security |
HSM 107 - Social Media: Issues and Impacts |
HSP - Hospitality |
HSP 204 - Advanced Conference and Event Planning |
HSP 115 - Guest Service Hospitality |
HSP 105 - Hotel Operations |
HSP 251 - Hospitality Marketing |
HSP 260 - Cooperative Education-Hospitality Management |
HSP 275 - Current Issues and Trends in Hospitality |
HUM - Human Services |
HUM 220 - Working with Clients Post-Incarceration |
HUM 209 - Applied Helping Models |
HUM 218 - Working with Trauma Informed Care Skills |
HUM 119 - Case Management and Documentation |
HUM 100 - Exploring Human Services |
HUM 210 - Disability Across the Lifespan-Strategies |
HVA - Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning |
HVA 104 - Commercial Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps |
HVA 206 - Advanced Heating Systems |
HVA 212 - Industrial Mechanical Systems |
HVA 204 - Energy Management |
HVA 205 - New Products |
HVA 271 - Cooperative Education-Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning |
HVA 202 - Boiler Systems |
HVA 210 - Mechanical Estimating |
HVA 201 - Electronic Controls and Troubleshooting |
HVA 102 - Air Conditioning Theory |
HVA 211 - Commercial Refrigeration |
HVA 203 - Commercial Load Calculation |
ITA - Italian/Foreign Language |
ITA 203 - Intermediate Italian I |
JPN - Japanese/Foreign Language |
JPN 203 - Intermediate Japanese I |
LAW - Paralegal Studies |
LAW 267 - Civil Litigation |
MAR - Marketing |
MAR 201 - Dynamics of Selling |
MAR 200 - Principles of Marketing |
MET - Mechanical Technology |
MET 201 - Designing for Materials, Manufacturing and Assembly |
MET 203 - Technical Mechanics, Statics |
MET 135 - Measurement and Analysis |
MET 103 - Manufacturing Processes I |
MET 121 - Computer Aided Drafting/Design - Solid Modeling |
MIS - Management Information Systems |
MIS 201 - Introduction to Web Site Programming and Design |
MIS 200 - Programming for Information Systems |
MIS 220 - Applied Business Applications |
MIS 209 - Systems Analysis and Design |
MIS 211 - Applied Database Concepts |
MIS 290 - Independent Study |
MIS 100 - Introduction to Management Information Systems |
MMP - Automotive Technology |
MMP 100 - Survey of Automotive Transportation and Service |
MTH - Mathematics |
MTH 152 - Survey of Mathematics for Technicians |
MTH 160 - Statistics I |
MTH 260 - Probability and Statistics I |
MTH 220 - Discrete Mathematics |
MTH 161 - Statistics II |
MTH 164 - Introduction to Trigonometry |
MTH 130 - Modern Business Mathematics |
MTH 096 - Algebra for Statistics |
MTH 162 - Statistics for the Social Sciences |
MTH 155 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I |
MTH 210 - Calculus I |
MTH 165 - College Algebra |
MTH 156 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II |
MTH 099 - Elementary Algebra Review (lab for Intermediate Algebra) |
MTH 212 - Calculus III |
MTH 163 - Statistics I Extended Topics |
MUS - Music |
MUS 114 - Contemporary A Cappella Ensemble |
MUS 129 - MIDI Recording Techniques |
MUS 142 - Musical Production |
MUS 119 - Music in World Cultures |
MUS 146 - Vocal Jazz/Show Choir |
MUS 141 - Madrigal Singers |
MUS 140 - Jazz Ensemble |
MUS 151 - Music Performance and Lessons |
MUS 118 - Broadway Musicals |
MUS 145 - Jazz Combo |
MUS 108 - College Chorus |
NUR - Nursing |
NUR 112 - Nursing Care of the Adult and Child-I |
NUR 211 - Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing |
NUR 111 - Fundamentals of Nursing |
NUR 100 - Nursing Orientation Seminar |
NUR 214 - Nursing Care of the Adult and Child-II |
NUR 110 - Foundations of Nursing |
NUR 212 - Maternal - Neonatal Nursing |
NUR 210 - Issues in Nursing |
NUR 050 - Application of the Nursing Process |
OFT - Office Technology |
OFT 112 - Advanced Word I |
OFT 173 - Microsoft Multimedia Communications |
OFT 111 - Intermediate Word |
OFT 141 - Professional Grammar and Communications |
OFT 240 - Office Transcription |
OFT 201 - Advanced Word II |
OPT - Optical Systems Technology |
OPT 255 - Photonics |
OPT 213 - Optical Fabrication and Metrology |
OPT 151 - Optical Instruments and Testing |
OPT 235 - Advanced Optical Fabrication and Metrology |
OPT 175 - Quantitative Skills in Optics |
OPT 131 - Optical Elements and Ray Optics |
OPT 245 - Optical Systems |
OPT 201 - Photo Science |
OPT 211 - Wave Optics and Applications |
OPT 110 - Introduction to Optical Technology |
PEC - Physical Education--Coed |
PEC 121 - Men's and Women's Physical Education: Co-ed Racquetball and Volleyball |
PEC 250 - Fitness and Wellness |
PEC 123 - Introduction to Kayaking |
PHL - Philosophy |
PHL 250 - Professional Ethics |
PHL 103 - Introduction to Ethics |
PHL 105 - Technology and Values |
PHL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy |
PHL 102 - Introduction to Logic |
PHL 108 - World Religions: Western Traditions |
PHL 210 - Democracy and Human Rights |
PHL 109 - World Religions: Eastern Traditions |
PHO - Photography |
PHO 106 - Photography I |
PHO 213 - Studio Photography |
PHO 223 - Photojournalism and Documentation |
PHO 145 - History of Photography: Modern |
PHO 140 - History of Photography: Early |
PHO 164 - Digital Imaging |
PHO 101 - Photography for Non-Majors |
PHY - Physics |
PHY 146 - College Physics II |
PHY 100 - Preparatory Physics |
PHY 161 - University Physics I |
PHY 132 - Applied Physics II |
PHY 131 - Applied Physics I |
PHY 261 - University Physics II |
PLE - Police: Law Enforcement |
PLE 140 - Criminal Investigation |
PLE 222 - Firearms Instructor Course |
PLS - Paralegal Studies |
PLS 269 - Domestic Relations and Family Law |
PLS 250 - Paralegal Communication Skills |
PLS 264 - Administrative Law |
PLS 299 - Paralegal Internship |
PLS 270 - Bankruptcy Law |
PLS 266 - Legal Research and Writing |
PLS 255 - Law Office Technology |
POS - Political Science |
POS 101 - Introduction to Political Science |
POS 102 - American National Government |
POS 205 - Comparative Political Systems |
POS 206 - International Politics |
PPE - Physical Studies/Physical Education |
PPE 271 - Issues and Perspectives in Wellness, Sport and Exercise |
PPE 155 - Sport Performance Coaching |
PPE 240 - Practicum in Professional Skills |
PPE 208 - Wellness, Exercise, and Sport Psychology |
PPE 275 - Physiology of Exercise |
PPE 100 - Introduction to Sport Science |
PSC - Public Safety Communications |
PSC 100 - Public Safety Telecommunicator |
PST - Public Safety Training |
PST 265 - Public Safety Leadership Development Seminar |
PSY - Psychology |
PSY 206 - Adult Psychopathology |
PSY 109 - Positive Psychology |
PSY 220 - Research Methods in Psychology |
PSY 261 - Child and Adolescent Psychopathology |
PSY 225 - Multicultural Psychology |
PSY 100 - Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships |
PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychological Science |
PSY 205 - Social Psychology |
PSY 262 - Forensic Psychology |
PSY 108 - Fundamentals of APA Style |
PSY 222 - Social Psychology of the Holocaust |
SCR - Computer Security |
SCR 211 - Computer Security I |
SCR 230 - Cloud Security |
SGT - Surgical Technology |
SGT 201 - Surgical Procedures |
SGT 110 - Foundations of Surgical Technology |
SGT 100 - Introduction to Surgical Technology |
SGT 102 - Principles and Practices in Surgical Technology |
SGT 101 - Surgical Pharmacology and Anesthesia |
SGT 202 - Specialty Surgical Procedures |
SGT 210 - Professional Issues and Certification for Surgical Technology |
SOC - Sociology |
SOC 209 - Environmental Sociology |
SOC 102 - Social Problems |
SOC 204 - Sociology of the Family |
SOC 210 - Introduction to Global Studies |
SOC 202 - Urban Sociology |
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology |
SOC 201 - Sociology of Race and Ethnicity |
SOC 100 - Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies |
SPA - Spanish/Foreign Language |
SPA 214 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation II |
SPA 213 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation I |
SPA 204 - Intermediate Spanish II |
SPA 203 - Intermediate Spanish I |
SPC - Speech Communication |
SPC 144 - Communication and Crisis |
SPC 141 - Interpersonal Speech Communication |
SPC 241 - Advanced Interpersonal Communication |
SPC 143 - Small Group Communication |
SPC 142 - Public Speaking |
TAM - Tooling and Machining |
TAM 121 - Advanced Manufacturing Math |
TAM 143 - CNC Lathe Set-up |
TAM 255 - Computer Aided Manufacturing Laboratory |
TAM 174 - Machine Trades Apprentice Training IV |
TAM 138 - Dimensional Metrology |
TAM 155 - Tool and Fixture Design |
TAM 171 - Machine Trades Apprentice Training I |
TAM 173 - Machine Trades Apprentice Training III |
TAM 142 - CNC Mill Set-up |
TAM 245 - Computer Aided Manufacturing |
TAM 172 - Machine Trades Apprentice Training II |
TEK - Technology |
TEK 145 - Career Communications |
THE - Theatre |
THE 211 - Theatre Production Laboratory |
THE 212 - Fundamentals of Acting Two |
THE 190 - Theatre Rehearsal and Performance |
THE 112 - Fundamentals of Acting One |
THE 111 - Introduction to Technical Theatre |
THE 160 - Touring Theatre Troupe |
THE 147 - Readers' Theatre |
THE 142 - Musical Theatre Rehearsal and Performance |
TOY - Toyota |
TOY 206 - Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 2 |
TOY 202 - Drivetrains |
TOY 208 - Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 4 |
TRS - Transitional Studies |
TRS 099 - College Composition Support |
TRS 094 - Pre Algebra |
TVL - Travel And Tourism |
TVL 231 - Tourism Specialization |
XRT - Radiologic Technology |
XRT 215 - Sectional Anatomy |
XRT 230 - Imaging Pathology II |