Course Descriptions
CPT 120 - Introduction to Cybersecurity
4 Credits
Designed for students with no security experience or background, this course will cover basic terminology and concepts. Included will be the basics of computers and networking such as Internet Protocol, routing, Domain Name Service, and network devices. This course will introduce students to the basics of cryptography, security management, wireless networking, and organizational policy. Topics will include: an overview of the information security framework, network infrastructure security, security and cryptography, information security policy, and defense in depth. Other topics covered in this course include: basic security terminology and professional terms, network basics, tracert, nslookup, ipconfig, ping, DNS, DoS attacks, overview of malware, rules for avoiding viruses and vulnerabilities.
MCC General Education: MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Classify the structures of various security frameworks.
2. Describe the role of computers and networks in a security framework.
3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of basic network software tools.
4. Identify computer system threats and evaluate their impact.
5. Discuss the effectiveness of various cryptographic techniques and their impact on security .
6. Describe the role of wireless communication in a secure environment.
7. Develop basic organizational security policies.
8. Describe how defense in depth can be used to implement security.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
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Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025