Course Descriptions
PLS 263 - Contract Law for Paralegals
2 Credits
Provides paralegal students with the basic theory of contract law, sample contracts from a variety of specialized practice areas, supplemental cases, and the opportunity to draft simple contracts. Included in the course are the basic contract requirements, contract provisions in selected specialized practice areas, the Statute of Frauds, and the Uniform Commercial Code. Students learn key contract terms, sample clauses, perform exercises, draft simple contracts, and conduct case analysis. Since the substantive area of contract law underlies many other specialty areas it is important that the well trained paralegal can analyze the needs of the client both short term and long range. This class will also explore how paralegals can apply the elements of reasoning and thereby increase the effectiveness of the legal entity. In this area this course will draw on concepts from the domains of critical thinking and analysis, total quality management and closely allied philosophy of continuing quality improvement, communications which build trust, conflict management and resolution, and decision making.
Prerequisite: PLS 260
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the necessary elements of any contract.
2. Draft simple contracts.
3. Define key contract terms.
Course Offered Spring
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Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025