Transfer Pathways Questions and Answers
What is a Transfer Pathway?
Transfer Pathways outline optimal courses for obtaining an Associate degree from MCC and transferring to participating 4-year institutions. Each advising guide is tailored for a specific major at a specified 4-year institution with the advised GPA noted. Students still need to apply to the 4-year college upon completion of their MCC degree, but know they have a solid foundation for a smooth transfer.
Bachelor degree completion may take longer than four years depending on prerequisite courses needed, course sequencing, and/or curriculum of the 4-year college program. Some guides are listed as “2+3” because they are 5-year programs. It is acceptable to take longer than two years at MCC to complete needed coursework.
With the exception of the "Competitive Transfer Pathways," students can attend full or part-time. Note that some courses may not be required for the MCC degree; this may have financial aid implications. Students should work closely with their advisor to address any issues that might arise as well as any updates that might occur.
What are “Competitive Transfer Pathways” and how are they different?
A small number of Transfer Pathways are considered “competitive” as there are specific entrance requirements, limited seat availability, or other factors that can impact acceptance by the 4-year college. These Competitive Transfer Pathways are best suited for the first-time, full-time matriculated student. There are specific guidelines that a student must meet. Please note that international students are not eligible for this option. Contact Advisement and Transfer Services for more information.
Can a student transfer to one of the transfer colleges even if they are NOT enrolled in a transfer pathway?
Absolutely! Assistance with this can be found in the Advisement and Transfer Services office.
If a student doesn't complete the requirements in the transfer advising guide, can they still attend the four-year college?
Yes. The student would apply, and the admissions decision will be made by the 4-year college.
What degree programs are included in Transfer Pathways?
The number of majors varies from college to college. The Transfer Advising Guides page allows you to perform a search based on academic program. Make sure to look under Liberal Arts for many options!
Can a student attend other four-year colleges not included under the transfer pathway?
Definitely! MCC graduates attend over 120 different colleges and universities on an annual basis. Students are encouraged to identify the college of their choice as soon as possible so that appropriate semester plans can be designed to optimize course selection and transfer of credit.
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Building 3, Room 108
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2248