Brighton Testing Services
We're ready to help you, and answer all questions about our placement process, so you can register for your courses. Please email Testing Services.
Hours and Directions
The Brighton Campus Testing Center is located in Building 11, Room 206.
Brighton Testing Services in building 11, room 206.
Testing for students with accommodations in academic courses:
Testing is by appointment only. We cannot accommodate walk-ins. You can make an appointment:
- Email Testing Services (
- Schedule an appointment for testing
- Call (585) 292-2290 (option 3)
Monroe Community College offers proctored testing services in Building 11 Room 204. Currently, these services include:
- Make up assessments for the Math and Psychology Departments
- Alternate form psychology assessments
- Proctored math assessments
To schedule a proctored assessment in 11-206, please email Testing Services ( or register online using RegisterBlast. Make-up and alternate form exams are currently available on a walk-in basis.
Required Before Testing
- An MCC identification number (M number).
- A current photo ID.
- The Services for Students with Disabilities Office must approve test accommodations prior to testing.
Strongly Encouraged Before Testing
- Prepare for your test. Testing is important because your scores will determine where you can begin your course of study, and in most cases you will take the placement test only once. Scores are valid for 3 years.
- Get at least 7 to 9 hours of rest the night before the test and eat a balanced meal.
Items Prohibited in the Testing Center
- Personal belongings
- Electronic devices
- Cell phones
- Cameras
- Food and drink
- Hats
- Children and visitors
15" x 15" locking bags are available at check-in to store small items during testing. Items too large to fit in the bag must be secured in lockers outside of the testing center.
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Testing Center
Building 11, Room 206
Downtown Campus
Testing Center
Room 274A
(585) 292-2290, option 3
Fax: (585) 292-3857