Counseling, Disability & Health Services Portal
Enter the Counseling, Disability & Health Services Portal
The MCC's Counseling,Disabiltyy & Health Services Portal allows students to securely upload immunizations, update health history, update insurance information, check the status of immunization records, and communicate with Health Services staff.
STEP-By-step instructions
Log into the Counseling, Disability & Health Services Portal using your MCC email address and password to complete the following:
- Click on the Profile button: To enter/update profile information (i.e., emergency contacts).
- Immunization Requirements: The Immunization Requirements section is based on requirements specific to your course(s), Health-related program, and/or NJCAAA participation. To be fully compliant you must submit all required items outlined within the clearance section.
- Attention Student Athletes: Print the Pre-participation Athletic Physical Form and bring to your medical provider's appointment for them to complete and sign. Then upload the form to the portal by clicking the update button located next to the Athletic Annual Physical.
- Attention Students Enrolled in a Health-Related Program: Print the 1st Year Physical Exam Form and bring the physical exam to your medical provider's appointment for them to complete, certify and sign. Review and obtain immunization records during your visit with your provider. When completed, upload the form to the portal by clicking the update button (green) located next to the 1st Year Physical Exam tab. Please note: All health-related program students are required to electronically sign and complete the Health Related Program Student Attestation and Health History forms annually in the portal.
- Health History: Enter/update health history (i.e., allergies, medications, hospitalizations, injuries, etc.). You must complete and update each field. If there are no concerns or medical information to be added, then click the update button and move to the next field/section of the form.
- Messages: You can send and receive communications to and from Health Services staff using this option within the portal.
- Immunizations: Once all required immunization records have been submitted and processed, a detailed list will appear in this section.
If you are experiencing login difficulties, try:
- changing to a different web browser.
- using a different device (i.e., laptop or PC).
- clearing cookies from your device or web browser.
Understanding Compliance Status Categories
- Status: Compliant (Cleared/eligible for participation.)
- Status: Not Compliant (Not cleared/ineligible for participation.)
- Details: Not Satisfied (We have received your documentation, but the documentation has not yet been reviewed)
- Details: No Data (You have not uploaded your immunization information successfully. Click update to try again.)
Students experiencing login difficulties should email the Student Technology Help Desk or call (585) 292-8324.