Assistive Technology

According to the United States Assistive Technology Act of 1998, assistive technology (also called adaptive technology) refers to any “product, device, or equipment, whether acquired commercially, modified or customized, that is used to maintain, increase, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.” Common computer-related assistive technology products include: 

If you have any questions about assistive technology, please email Disability Services ( to schedule an appointment.


  1. Login to a student computer.
  2. Select the "Accessible Resources" folder on the desktop.
  3. Use the available assistive technology software programs. 


Certain assistive and accessible technology is available for loan to students who are registered with the Disability Services Office. Students are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Office to gather more information. Some of the technology includes, but are not limited to:

  • Livescribe smartpens,
  • OrCam Reader,
  • Humanware Victor Stream Reader,
  • Braille Display,
  • Portable Magnifiers
  • Scanning pens, and 
  • Reading pens

All technology is subjected to availability and are issued on a first come, first serve basis.


  1. Go to the Bookshare website
  2. Create a free account.
  3. Find and download the e-books you want to access and read. 

After you create an account, you may download the free "Bookshare Reader" app in the app store to read and listen to books on your mobile device. Search "Bookshare Reader" in the app store to download the app.