Safety & Security
The College has an outstanding security record. This is due to our excellent Public Safety staff and procedures, as well as from features like secure card access readers, blue light emergency phone stations, state-of-the-art smoke/heat alarm systems, camera monitoring system, and 24-hour Public Safety surveillance around campus.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Report any unusual, dangerous, illegal, harassing, or otherwise unsafe behaviors to a Housing and Residence Life staff member or Public Safety.
Public Safety
The Public Safety Department provides security and related services to the college community seven days a week, 24 hours a day. All Public Safety Officers are Civil Service employees and must successfully complete the Police Recruit Training Course at the Public Safety Training Center. This is the same course attended by all police officers in Monroe County. No other college in Monroe County maintains this standard for their security or public safety officers. Officers have also been trained in emergency medical procedures, first aid, CPR and Critical Incident Command.
Public Safety Officers have armed Campus Peace Officer status in accordance with New York state law. They conduct foot, bike, and vehicular patrols on campus and at satellite locations, 24 hours a day. On campus, Public Safety Officers enforce all laws and regulations, both of the college and the State of New York. The Public Safety Department works very closely with the Brighton Town Police Department and other local and state law enforcement agencies to assist them with incidents that may occur off-campus.
Potential criminal actions and other emergencies on campus can be reported by any student, faculty member or employee directly to the Public Safety Department. It is extremely important to notify Public Safety so they are aware and involved with any action or investigation. If dialing from a Brighton Campus phone, dial 2911. If dialing from a cell phone or off campus line, dial 585-292-2911. Brighton Public Safety are located in building 21-140. Emergencies can also be reported by using blue-light courtesy phones, located throughout campus. Upon receiving a call, officers are dispatched immediately to the site of the complaint.
The college encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes or suspected criminal activity. Reports may be made anonymously via the webpage Silent Witness ( or by calling the Crime Stoppers confidential tip line at (585) 292-3636. You can also download the MCC RAVE Guardian App on your phone or tablet where you gain report incidents anonymously.
Crime Prevention Tips
People who see an opportunity for gain may take advantage of it. Assault and robberies can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. If we work together, we can stop crime before it occurs.
Crime reduction on campus requires the continued active support of the College community. The following are a few suggestions, which may help to prevent crime by planning ahead for personal protection.
Personal Safety…What You Can Do
The best defense against crime is to take adequate precautions, and always practice good personal safety. Precaution and prevention are the most effective tools that can used to reduce the chances of falling victim to a crime. Know the current environment and be alert at all times, whether at home, out walking (especially at night), driving or at work.
At Home, Your Apartment, or Residence Hall Room
- Keep doors and windows locked when at home to keep out unwanted visitors
- Lock all doors and windows whenever exiting. Even the best locks won’t work if you do not use them
- Don’t automatically open the door when someone knocks. Use the peep hole in the front door to see who is there
- When strangers ask to use personal phones, offer to make the necessary call but don’t let the person into the room
- Do not loan room keys to anyone
When Walking
- Know the locations of blue-light courtesy call boxes along daily routes
- Plan routes in advance. Stay away from alleys, fields, and dark areas. Avoid shortcuts
- Walk on lighted walkways on campus. Use the Public Safety Escort Service
- Don’t walk alone. Walk with a friend, especially at night
- Use RTS buses. Wait for the bus with a friend
- If being followed, change directions and head for a public place
- Have keys ready to enter a car, room, or apartment immediately
- Don’t accept rides from strangers. Don’t hitchhike
If You Are the Victim of a Crime
Notify the authorities at once. If the incident happened on campus, call Public Safety at x2911 from any Brighton Campus telephone. If dialing from a cell phone or off campus line, dial (585) 292-2911. If the incident happened off campus, contact the local law enforcement agency serving that area.
MCC provides a wide variety of security services and prevention programs to everyone in the campus community. Although everyone is ultimately responsible for their own physical safety, learning and practicing the basic precautions will enhance every student’s well- being.
Other Safety-Related Information
Class Cancellations: A listing of daily class cancellations is available on the Class Cancellations webpage. Found in the A to Z Index > C > Class Cancellations. Please utilize local television, radio or the MCC website for closing information. Please refrain from calling the media or the College.
Closed Campus Hours: College community members are prohibited from entering any campus building, excluding the residence halls, between midnight and 6am. In addition, college community members are restricted from coming to campus anytime the college is closed.
Emergency Messages: If someone needs to contact a resident in case of an emergency, call the Office of Student Services at (585) 292-2052. Public Safety will try to reach the resident. After 5p.m., Public Safety should be contacted directly at (585) 292-2075.
Escorts: Public Safety Officers can escort college community members who are on campus and who request their services. Call (585) 292-2911 to utilize this service.
Please go to the MCC Student Code of Conduct webpage to view the College’s Code of Conduct.