Print Shop
About the Print Shop
For your convenience, we offer complete design service, offset printing, scanning, digital high-speed black and white imaging, digital color printing as well as a host of binding and finishing services.
Typical printing services that we provide include business cards, fliers, brochures, programs, forms, posters, reports, course material, memos, letterhead, envelopes, large volume copying, mail merges, test scanning, bill printing, and surveys.
Printing service requests can be made in person, through interoffice mail, or via our Print Shop Order Form. The preferred method of submission is our electronic order form. This is convenient for our users to submit orders 24/7 from anywhere they have access to MCC online. This method also expedites orders by allowing multiple Print Shop personnel access to your order to ensure timely completion.
Design Services
A complete design service is available to develop and produce instructional materials, newsletter, brochures, posters, signs and other printing and graphics projects for MCC faculty, staff, and administration.
Offset Printing
Our offset presses offer long-run productions of one- and two-color printing. This is most economical as it offers large quantities at the most affordable cost. Please inquire ahead to see if your request fits the requirements.
Digital High-Speed Black & White Printing
High quality, high-speed digital imaging can accommodate all your print-on demand needs. The “Free-Flow” front-end technology allows us to offer scanning and storage of your course packs, lab manuals, texts and workbooks for fast and efficient reprints. Customized printing and variable data is also available through this printing method.
Digital Color Printing
Printing Services offers digital color printing at a minimal cost. An organization number (Banner Org #) for billing purposes is required when submitting your order. Please call ahead for a quote of your specific digital color printing needs.
Folding and stuffing envelopes is available from Printing Services. This service allows up to 2 sheets of paper to be folded and stuffed into an envelope for mailing.
Test Scanning
Test scanning is now part of Printing Services. A drop-box is available at the Copy Center door, located at 3-162, for your convenience and for use during or after our normal operating hours. Test scanning forms are available in the Faculty Mailroom, 3-100. There is a 2-day turnaround for test scanning.
Business Cards
Request forms for business cards are available in the Print Shop or online through the myMCC-Employees-Technology Help tab,Technology Links channel, Printing/Copying Service link.
Binding and Finishing
For book binding we offer Perfect Bind (Cheshire), GBC and Coil. Other finishing services include booklet-making, 3-hole drilling, folding, cutting, and perforating. Please remember to allow additional time for these services to be performed when submitting your order and choosing your due date.