PPE 100--Introduction to Sport Science
4 Credits A course designed to expose the student to the components of the sport sciences, including anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, sport medicine, and sport technology as they relate to human exercise. Students will apply the integration of physical fitness principles and health components to formulate a personal wellness plan relative to their needs. This class includes both theory and practice through a lecture and laboratory experience.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Define the variables of physical fitness for health and wellness. 2. Differentiate between health related and sports related components of physical fitness. 3. Recognize the most important principles of anatomy and kinesiology. 4. Define organization factors for administering an individual fitness program. 5. Define medical/health screening methodologies that are functional fitness program options. 6. Demonstrate mastery in employing fitness assessment techniques. 7. Demonstrate mastery in developing written exercise prescriptions for groups and individuals.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 106--Individual Sports
3 Credits A course based on teaching competencies for students future use, focusing on individual sports such as tennis, golf, and racquetball. Students will learn skill development, teaching and coaching strategies, and lifetime fitness benefits.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Recognize and discuss life-time fitness benefits that individual sports offer. 2. Develop and apply different coaching strategies for individual sport athletes vs. team sport athletes. 3. Develop individual training programs for athletes participating in individual sports. 4. Design a creative teaching setting that will help facilitate the instruction of individual sport activities. 5. Assess community resources and discuss ways to network these resources into a school based individual sport unit. 6. Construct and present a proper lesson plan for activities involving individual sport lessons.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 120--Team Sports
3 Credits A course based on teaching competencies for students future use focusing on team sports such as softball, soccer, and basketball. Students will learn skill development, class organizational principles, and coaching strategies.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Develop strategies on teaching team sport skills and philosophies in a physical education settings and coaching settings for inter-scholastic team sports. 2. Apply and assess motivational techniques to use with athletes and teams to get positive performance results. 3. Construct a yearly calendar to break up programs seasons (Pre-season, Season, Post Season, and Pre-Pre Season) to facilitate effective use of time. 4. Demonstrate team sport skill competencies through teaching and lesson plan preparation. 5. Critique seasoned coaches conducting practices through observation assignments. 6. Refine team sport skills through drill instruction and class participation.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 150--Adventure Bound
3 Credits A course in which the student will participate in a variety of provocative community/outdoor oriented experiences and classroom presentations. High and low project adventure ropes courses, trust and initiative games, camping and survival skills, circus acrosports, canoeing and hiking sojourns, service to populations at risk, etc., are a few of the adventure experience options from which the student will select several to participate in.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Expand sense of personal confidence. 2. Insert mutual support within a group into personal behavior. 3. Develop an increased level of physical activity necessary for successful performance of a variety of adventure activities. 4. Demonstrate leadership and intergroup cooperative skills necessary to cope with and solve initiative, trust and problem solving activities/games. 5. Develop an increased joy in one’s physical self and in being with others while participating in a wide variety of recreational/outdoor/adventure activities. 6. Utilize equipment and hardware apparatus available for Project Adventure activities. 7. Perform climbing, repelling and belaying techniques utilized in Project Adventure activities. 8. Define and perform safety procedures utilized in performance of all adventure/recreational activities. 9. Develop an increased familiarity and identification with the natural world. 10. Identify the above objectives and practice, perform and share the skills and personal growth relative to their fulfillment.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 155--Sport Performance Coaching
3 Credits Principles of metabolic training, muscle strength and endurance training, and cardiovascular training will be applied to athletic performance. Specifically the course will focus on the development of power, speed, acceleration, agility and quickness for the development of high quality sport performance. Students will design a testing scheme for sport performance, use various modalities to analyze performance, and design a personal wellness plan.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Evaluate basic anatomy, physiology and function of the human system as it pertains to sports, health and nutrition for active lifestyles in general, and sport performance specifically 2. Identify and apply various models of periodization for sport training 3. Construct analysis, testing and program paradigms to allow an athlete to be taken from entry to program to specified level of performance 4. Perform film based analysis of performance. 5. Create full, year round training programs for athletes from all sports, using periodization models to guide testing, analysis, and program design. Students will be expected to be able to construct year round, progressive models so that progress for all athletes is ongoing and measurable.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 170--Introduction to Sport Medicine
3 Credits Covers the nature, philosophy, and practice of the field of sport medicine. Prevention, emergency care, and rehabilitation as they pertain to certain athletic injuries will be the focus of the course. This course satisfies the requirements of the NYS Education Department Coaching Certification Course: Health Science Applied to Coaching.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Memorize bones and primary muscles of the body that are most often injured in sport. 2. Discuss terminology related to athletic training 3. Evaluate the most common athletic injuries/illnesses as presented in the course. 4. Demonstrate a mastery of the five taping/wrapping techniques that will be presented in the class. 5. Develop an emergency plan for a sport.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 175--Philosophy and Principles of Physical Education and Athletics
3 Credits Designed to expose the professional preparation student to the history and development trends of the field. Specifically, exposure to the subfields of Physical Studies will be explored. These will include, but not be limited to, Physical Education, Sport Medicine, Sport Psychology, Exercise Physiology, Motor Learning, History of Sport, Sociology of Sport, Recreation, Health Education, Adapted Physical Education, Coaching, and current issues. Special emphasis on the role of coaching as part of the education system, legal and health considerations, and local, state and national roles as they pertain to sport. This course satisfies the requirements of the NYS Education Department Coaching Certification Course: Principles, Philosophy and Organization of Athletics.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Explore the subdisciplines of Physical Education and Sport and evaluate the diversity of opportunities within the fields of Physical Education as part of individual career opportunities. 2. Research, examine, and evaluate selected professional literature available in Physical Education and Sport 3. Examine various philosophical orientations and apply these orientations to interscholastic athletics and Physical Education programs as part of a comprehensive educational program in public school settings. 4. Discuss the legal issues, the function and organization of leagues and athletic associations in New York State, and personal ethical standards for the coach and teacher as an educational leader in Physical Education and Athletic settings. 5. Discuss the state, local. and national policies and regulations related to athletics. 6. Discuss the principles of budgeting, record keeping, purchasing and facility usage in sport and Physical Education programs.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 179--Lifeguarding
2 Credits A full semester course to certify students in American Red Cross Lifeguarding. Students need to be strong swimmers and must be able to do the breaststroke with whip kick, sidestroke with inverted scissors, and freestyle with rotary breathing. The students must be able to tread water using egg beater kick and surface dive and retrieve a 10 pound brick. Each class warm up consists of 500-yard swim (20 lengths). This course includes CPR for the Professional Rescuer and standard first aid. At the completion of this course, the student must pass the Red Cross written and practical test for swimming. American Red Cross Administration Fee is $5.00.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the primary and secondary responsibilities of a professional lifeguard. 2. Describe the strategies a lifeguard uses for preventing injuries and staff debriefing. 3. Describe and demonstrate water rescue skills, backboarding, and Emergency Action Principles. 4. Describe and demonstrate adult/child and infant rescue breathing, choking, CPR, AED skills, and demonstrate the use of resuscitation masks, bag-valves masks as they relate to a non-breathing victim and disease prevention. 5. Identify and/or demonstrate the signs and symptoms of sudden illness, the principles of care, how to effectively control bleeding and immobilize an injured body part. 6. Describe and demonstrate adult, child and infant rescue breathing, choking, CPR, AED skills, and demonstrate the use of resuscitation masks, bag-valves masks as they relate to a non-breathing victim and disease prevention. 7. Identify and/or demonstrate the signs and symptoms of sudden illness, the principles of care, how to effectively control bleeding and immobilize an injured body part 8. Explain and evaluate safety considerations/surveillance issues for multi-attraction aquatic facilities, as well as the importance of zone coverage. 9. Recognize the variety of waterfront facilities and describe the potential dangers inherent to each. 10. Demonstrate in-line stabilization and back board procedures.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 208--Wellness, Exercise, and Sport Psychology
3 Credits As the demand for enhanced physical performance continues and the focus on Wellness grows, the cognitive or mental aspects within wellness and physical activity is exposed. Wellness, Exercise, and Sport Psychology has evolved through this need. Specifically, this course will relate the application of conventional psychological areas (personality, motivation, aggression, etc.) to the arena of wellness and physical activity. The application of psychological skills to performance and wellness is also an essential element of this ever-changing field.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate an understanding of and differentiate between three theories of personality development and, through various projects utilizing observation of sport behavior, consider the validity of each theory. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the Yerkes-Dodson Law and utilize a case study to explore the application of the theory to the anxiety/performance relationship. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the Information Processing Model of Concentration and Attention. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of the scientific method of research and exploration. 5. Create a system for behavior change for an individual or small group through consideration and application of selected theories of learning. 6. Utilize various theories of Achievement Motivation to develop a coaching model for a specific sport team. 7. Construct a system for the development of Group Cohesion. 8. Research and participate in Cognitive Learning Strategies including imagery, relaxation, self confidence enhancement, positive self-talk, and concentration exercises.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 209--Theories and Techniques of Coaching
3 Credits This course is designed to examine theories and techniques in coaching through developing information, organization and management skills. Development of technical information, safety aspects and human relationships will be studied. The practicum experience brings the student to an on-site awareness and participation. This course satisfies the state guidelines for elementary and secondary coaching certification. This course satisfies the requirements of the NYS Education Department Coaching Certification Course: Theory and Technique of Coaching.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Develop an appreciation and understanding of the coaching field through an observation project. 2. Organize a successful booster club that works with, not against, the program. 3. Develop safety procedure plan that will best work for a selected sport. 4. Propose a code of conduct policy that will be effective for the program and school district. 5. Construct a coaching manual that contains step by step procedures on the management of a sports program. 6. Demonstrate an understanding of different coaching styles and know how to adapt them to specific situations. 7. Implement motivational techniques that fit their philosophy and their athletes. 8. Demonstrate communication skills that will help in the interview process and that will help them deal with parents, administrators and the community.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 211--Selected Certifications in Youth Sport
1 Credit This course is designed to provide essential certifications for pre-service and in-service professionals in the field of health and physical education, coaching and athletics. Specifically, students will participate in the required experiences leading towards certification in Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE), Dignity For All Students Act (DASA), Mandated Reporter, Heads-Up Concussion Training and Youth Sport Coaching curricula in New York State.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Identify strategies for preventing various types of child abuse, neglect, or violence in schools. 2. Identify strategies for identifying various types of child abuse, neglect, or violence in schools. 3. Identify strategies for reporting various types of child abuse, neglect or violence in schools. 4. Describe bullying behaviors. 5. Explain various responses to bullying behaviors, which could include: prevention, intervention, and mandatory reporting procedures. 6. Identify strategies for prevention and recognition of traumatic head injury in sports. 7. Develop a responsive and responsible coaching philosophy for youth sport, which could include such aspects as: athlete development, risk management, injury prevention or skill development.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 213--Gymnastics Theories and Practices
2 Credits Focus is on the student's attainment of methods, theory and skills for teaching artistic, rhythmical, and acrobatic gymnastics to participants of pre-school through high school physical education/recreation programs. The history and philosophy of gymnastics and the administration of gymnastic programs (classes, exhibitions, meets and clubs) will also be studied. (Open to Physical Studies students only.)
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate proficiency in spotting and recognize the importance of safety at all times during activity sessions. 2. Develop a progression-oriented teaching approach in a gymnastics program. This includes understanding building success early in the program, then expanding on that success as the students move to higher levels of proficiency. 3. Research and demonstrate classroom management skills in an open setting of a gymnasium. 4. Demonstrate basic competencies in tumbling and apparatus skills as assessed through a skill rubric. 5. List and discuss the benefits of a gymnastics unit on developing an adolescent's body awareness.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 214--Early Childhood Physical Education
3 Credits Early childhood games and activities will be introduced and practiced. The emphasis of this course will be the contribution of games and activities to the cognitive, social, and psychomotor development of children. Online sections of this class require observation time at formal school and informal activity settings.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Develop age appropriate lessons for pre K-4th grade. 2. Demonstrate classroom management skills that will help the efficiency of teaching methods for the younger age group. 3. Demonstrate rhythmic skills through a jump rope program that can be applied in a classroom. 4. Evaluate elementary procedures through observation hours. 5. Implement appropriate safety procedures for lessons in the gymnasium and outdoor facilities. 6. Demonstrate how to use developmental games in a physical educational setting to reinforce skill development.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 240--Practicum in Professional Skills
3 Credits An overview and introduction to various professional skills to groups and individuals. The ability to effectively communicate ideas, information, and develop skills that are fundamental to the fields of exercise, wellness or sport. The goal of this course is to provide theoretical and practical experience in individual and group professional skills and written plan for effective professional interactions useful to the student's career path. Electronic recording of the professional skills for skill critique and development is required.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Utilize methods of presentation applied to a teaching, management or wellness coaching setting. 2. Create a series of professional skill plans. 3. Demonstrate competency in a peer teaching or wellness coaching interaction. 4. Apply professional standards to a teaching or wellness coaching interaction. 5. Utilize professional self-assessment skills in a professional teaching, management or wellness coaching interaction. 6. Construct a full professional interaction, meeting state and national guidelines, in teaching, management, or wellness coaching. 7. Apply professional ethics in simulated professional situations.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 245--Dance Methods and Techniques for Physical Studies Majors
1 Credit A dance technique course designed for dance major students. Dance theory and technique will be covered and the students will be required to develop a dance lesson plan and lead the class in warmups. (Open to Physical Education students only.)
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Reproduce dance motor skills presented in class. 2. Interpret dance movement patterns through the development of a choreographed dance presentation. 3. Evaluate and validate the role of dance in the NYS public school curriculum. 4. Organize and structure dance activities appropriate for school age children which support NASPE and NYS Standards for Physical Education.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 250--Fitness and Wellness
3 Credits A course designed to provide an enhanced fitness and wellness experience. The content includes the assessment of present fitness level and the development and practice of a balanced, individualized physical fitness program. Additionally, the course provides a theory based and practical experience in Stress Management and explores the roles of Stress and Exercise on Wellness. The online section(s) of this class require outside physical activity and testing.
Students taking PEC/PPE 250 may take one, but not both, of the following courses in addition to this course: PEC 148, PEC 253. A student may earn credit for PEC 250 or PPE 250, but cannot earn credit for both courses because they are equivalent courses.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss components of health related and skill related fitness as they relate to personal health. 2. Apply the results of pre-testing physical fitness findings to the creation of a personal fitness program. 3. Apply the principles of physical fitness through participation in a monitored exercise program. 4. Correlate the components of health related fitness to a healthy lifestyle. 5. Create a comprehensive personal wellness plan including all components of wellness. 6. Design a personal approach to the management of stress. 7. Analyze a three-day personal nutrition log including recommendations for healthy eating goals.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 271--Issues and Perspectives in Wellness, Sport and Exercise
4 Credits Designed to explore professional issues within the field of sport science. Topics such as sociological issues, physiology of exercise, and therapeutic exercise as they affect sport and sport participation will be explored.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Critique selected readings on current social issues in sport and athletics. 2. Discuss diversity issues such as gender, ethnicity, and cultural attitudes within sport. 3. Evaluate current happenings with youth, scholastic and professional sport. 4. Assess the role of economics on sport and athletics in western civilization. 5. Estimate the historical influence of diversity issues on the institution of sport in western civilization. 6. Extrapolate the influence of social issues in various sport events.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 272--Diversity and Equity Issues in Health and Wellness
4 Credits This course explores the issues of race, class, and gender from an interdisciplinary and humanistic perspective as they apply to health and wellness. The student will develop an understanding of the historical and contemporary societal factors that impact individuals and group identity. Further examination of social structures in the development of concepts such as power, privilege, oppression and opportunity will be explored in both global application and in the development of health and wellness in current society. Students will use self-examination, social analysis, reflection on text, movies and media, as well as case studies to develop the critical knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to recognize and understand the diversity of perspectives, needs, expectations and behaviors impacting health and wellness in multicultural populations.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Describe historical and contemporary societal factors that shape the development of individual and group identity including but not limited to race, class and gender. 2. Analyze the role that complex networks play in the creation and perpetuation of the dynamics of power, privilege, oppression in health and wellness. 3. Develop an awareness of the impact of text, visual images, television, or other media on the reproduction of social inequality. 4. Explore the role of moral development on an individual’s perspective about diversity and equity. 5. Apply the principles of rights, access, equity, or autonomous participation to past, current, or future social justice in health and health promotion. 6. Explore strategies that can be used to breakdown implicit bias within health and wellness. 7. Communicate to facilitate inclusive, positive, and effective cross-cultural relationships.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PPE 275--Physiology of Exercise
4 Credits Exercise physiology is the scientific basis for the field of physical education. This course provides students with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the body's responses and adaptations to exercise. Each of the body's systems will be reviewed with a focus on the influences of activity. Laboratory experiences will allow students to integrate and apply the concepts of exercise physiology through investigative experiments.
Prerequisite: BIO 135 OR BIO 145. Course Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the differences between acute responses and chronic adaptations to exercise. 2. Recognize and describe responses and adaptations to exercise in each of the body’s systems. 3. Describe the body’s energy systems and identify the various types of activities associated with each. 4. Recognize and apply the six basic principles of training. 5. Identify differences in the parameters of exercise for diverse populations including; males and females, individuals who are trained and untrained and children and the elderly. 6. Identify significant differences between physical activity for health and athletic conditioning for sports performance.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025