PE 101--Co-ed Personal Fitness
2 Credits A course designed to develop the student's awareness of, and responsibility for, his/her own personal fitness. It is primarily a lecture class, but does include a comprehensive physical fitness screening component. The course material will provide the student with sound criteria for decision making with regard to their own physical fitness.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Define what physical fitness is. 2. Identify the values of being fit. 3. Evaluate your current level of physical fitness. 4. Design your personal aerobic fitness program. 5. Implement a weight control program. 6. Design your own weight training program. 7. Describe the impact of the physical condition as related to overall health.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PEC 121--Men's and Women's Physical Education: Co-ed Racquetball and Volleyball
1 Credit This is a course designed to provide students with the basic knowledge of racquetball and volleyball, as well as giving students enough information to help better develop their game. This course is repeatable for a maximum of two times.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate integration of specific skills as playing racquetball and volleyball. 2. Apply all rules associated with racquetball & volleyball, as well as verbalize and discuss how they are relevant to the sport. 3. Demonstrate comprehension of each of the following skills and techniques: A) Racquetball B) Volleyball 1. Forehand 1. Serve 2. Backhand 2. Bump 3. Serves 3. Set 4. Spike
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PEC 123--Introduction to Kayaking
2 Credits An introduction to the lifetime activity of kayaking. Developing and implementing alternative methods for achieving health and wellness through the development of skills and development of a fitness plan. This course will cover equipment components needed to kayak safely as well as basic strokes, reading the river, rescue techniques, and how to roll a kayak.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate proficiency in the lifetime sport of kayaking at the beginning whitewater and beginning coastal kayaking skills levels. 2. Develop and list alternative outlets using kayaking to address stress management for their future benefits. 3. Demonstrate and practice the sport of kayaking to help achieve health and wellness both now and in the future. 4. Analyze and recognize situations that are safe or dangerous when participating in water sports specifically kayaking. 5. Integrate the fitness concepts presented into a fitness program based on the lifetime sport/activity of kayaking.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PEC 148--Physical Fitness Theory and Practice
2 Credits This course is designed to provide a complete fitness experience. This course includes sections specific to different areas of activity including, but not limited to: Fitness Training, Yoga, Tai Chi, Tae Kwon Do, Cardio Bootcamp, Aqua Fitness, Personal Defense (offerings may vary from semester to semester). It will also include a comprehensive fitness assessment and interpretation that will generate a personalized exercise prescription, which will be executed in a monitored program specific to assigned fitness subject, topic, or theme. Lecture topics will include the benefits of exercise, safety, program design, components of fitness, and other timely topics. The online section(s) of this class require(s) outside physical activity and testing outside the online medium.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Identify and explain the components of physical fitness as it relates to occupations and healthy life styles. 2. Analyze the results of pre- and post-physical fitness screening. 3. Identify the basic principles of physical health, which could include for example: cardiofitness, musculoskeletal training or fat/weight control. 4. Apply the principles of physical fitness through participation in a monitored exercise program. 5. List the benefits of physical fitness. 6. Demonstrate ability to work with others in the implementation and application of a fitness program.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PEC 150--Adventure Bound
2 Credits A course in which the student will participate in a variety of provocative community/outdoor oriented experiences and classroom presentations. High and low project adventure ropes courses, trust and initiative games, camping and survival skills, circus acrosports, canoeing and hiking sojourns, service to populations at risk, etc., are a few of the adventure experience options from which the student will select several to participate in.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate an expanded sense of personal confidence. 2. Insert mutual support within a group into personal behavior. 3. Develop an increased joy in one’s physical self and in being with others while participating in a wide variety of recreational/outdoor/adventure activities. 4. Demonstrate an increased level of physical activity necessary for successful performance of a variety of adventure activities. 5. Demonstrate leadership and intergroup cooperative skills necessary to cope with and solve initiative, trust and problem solving activities/games. 6. Utilize equipment and hardware apparatus available for Project Adventure activities. 7. Perform climbing, repelling and belaying techniques utilized in Project Adventure activities. 8. Define and perform safety procedures utilized in performance of all adventure/recreational activities. 9. Develop an increased familiarity and identification with the natural world. 10. Apply these leadership skills learned to enhance the students personal growth in other aspects of their life.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PEC 151--Men's and Women's Physical Education: Co-ed Golf
1 Credit An introductory course on the basic skills, strategies and techniques of golf.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate all of the basic mechanics in golf including grip, stance, swing, and follow through. 2. Analyze and correct errors in the performance of the basic fundamentals of the swing. 3. Demonstrate using various clubs with both whiffle balls and range balls. 4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the golf rules and etiquette. 5. Evaluate the techniques necessary for scoring a golf game.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PEC 157--Men's and Women's Physical Education: Co-ed Racquetball
1 Credit A course introducing the basic skills, rules and strategies of racquetball. The course will include safety, basic strokes and positioning for singles, doubles and cut-throat.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Identify racquetball court markings to include the serving area, service box, short line, and front wall. 2. Identify rules as defined by the USRA (United States Racquetball Association. ) 3. Recognize the order in which the ball should be struck during play for singles, cutthroat, and doubles. 4. Describe and demonstrate the basic strokes of forehand, backhand, and wall play. 5. Differentiate and select advantageous placement of the ball during play as determined by the position of ones opponent(s).
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PEC 179--Lifeguarding
2 Credits A full semester course to certify students in American Red Cross lifeguarding. Lifeguards must have the ability to recognize hazardous waterfront situations and respond accordingly. The student must pass Red Cross written and swimming skills tests. This course includes CPR for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid. At the completion of this course, the student will receive a Lifeguard Training Card (which includes CPR for the Professional Rescuer and a Community First Aid Card). American Red Cross Administration Fee is $5.00.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the primary and secondary responsibilities of a professional lifeguard. 2. Describe the strategies a lifeguard uses for preventing injuries and staff debriefing. 3. Describe and demonstrate water rescue skills, backboarding, and Emergency Action Principles. 4. Describe and demonstrate adult, child and infant rescue breathing, choking, CPR, AED skills, and demonstrate the use of resuscitation masks, bag-valves masks as they relate to a non-breathing victim and disease prevention. 5. Identify and/or demonstrate the signs and symptoms of sudden illness, the principles of care, how to effectively control bleeding and immobilize an injured body part. 6. Explain and evaluate safety considerations and surveillance issues for multi-attraction aquatic facilities, as well as the importance of zone coverage. 7. Recognize the variety of waterfront facilities and describe the potential dangers inherent to each. 8. Demonstrate in-line stabilization and back board procedures.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PEC 194--Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding
1 Credit This course provides each participating student an opportunity to learn and improve his or her skiing/snowboarding skills. Classes meet for lessons at Bristol Mountain on six scheduled evenings. Skiing available before and after lessons. Students must provide their own transportation to Bristol Mountain. An additional fee is charged to the student and payable to Bristol Mountain for lessons and/or rental of equipment.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of skiing and snowboarding equipment, how the equipment works and how it is maintained. 2. State and explain the skier/snowboarder responsibility code. 3. Demonstrate the criteria and skills needed to advance to the next level of skiing/snowboarding. 4. Demonstrate and/or articulate knowledge of the physical conditioning needed to enhance the skiing/boarding experience and advance to the next level.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PEC 250--Fitness and Wellness
3 Credits A course designed to provide an enhanced fitness and wellness experience. The content includes the assessment of present fitness level and the development and practice of a balanced, individualized physical fitness program. Additionally, the course provides a theory based and practical experience in Stress Management and explores the roles of Stress and Exercise on Wellness. The online section(s) of this class require outside physical activity and testing.
Students taking PEC/PPE 250 may take one, but not both, of the following courses in addition to this course: PEC 148, PEC 253. A student may earn credit for PEC 250 or PPE 250, but cannot earn credit for both courses because they are equivalent courses.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss components of health related and skill related fitness as they relate to personal health. 2. Apply the results of pre-testing physical fitness findings to the creation of a personal fitness program. 3. Apply the principles of physical fitness through participation in a monitored exercise program. 4. Correlate the components of health related fitness to a healthy lifestyle. 5. Create a comprehensive personal wellness plan including all components of wellness. 6. Design a personal approach to the management of stress. 7. Analyze a three-day personal nutrition log including recommendations for healthy eating goals.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
PEC 253--Stress Management
2 Credits A course designed to make the student aware of stress and how it can impact his/her quality of life. It will provide methods for identifying stressors and strategies to effectively manage them. Students will be able to construct a personalized life style management program.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Describe and explain the nature of stress, the stress response, causes of stress, the relationship between stress and disease and a holistic approach to stress managements. 2. Assess and describe the impact of stress on one's own body, mind, spirit and emotions. 3. Identify, describe and practice research-based coping strategies and relaxation techniques that contribute to managing life's stress. 4. Develop a personal lifestyle plan incorporating coping strategies and relaxation techniques to decrease the impact of stress on one's body, mind, spirit and emotions.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025