Internal Funding Information
Internal Funding
Internal Funding grants, generally offered in January, provide funds for projects that correlate with MCC's mission and the 2017-2021 Strategic Plan: Charting the Course. Projects should benefit students; seed creative projects; or enhance teaching excellence. Please visit the MCC Foundation website or contact the Grants office for more information.
MCC Foundation Micro Grants
Monroe Community College Foundation Micro Grants are designed to support faculty and staff with funding for small, one-time, innovative projects that promote excellence in teaching and learning; administrative efficiencies; and positively impact the student experience. Awards typically are less than $1,000. Applications generally are due in the fall, with funds available the following spring. Contact the MCC Foundation for more information.
Strategic Planning Initiatives
The application process for Strategic Planning grants is entirely online and is administered by the Planning Committee of the Faculty Senate. Contact the Chair of the Faculty Senate Planning Committee or your Senator if you have questions on the application process.
Location & Contacts
Carolyn W. Hunt, MBA, APR, CFRE
Director of Strategic Resource Development & Grant Management
IRB Administrator
Perkins Grant Officer
Downtown Campus, 32-772
321 State Street
Rochester, NY 14608
(585) 685-6012