FSA 106--Food Safety and Sanitation
1 Credit Basic sanitation principles, ways to apply the principles in practical situations, and methods for training and motivating food service personnel to follow good sanitation practices. Certification is awarded by the National Education Foundation of the National Restaurant Association upon successful completion of the national examination.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Explain various types of food contamination and factors that contribute to foodborne illness 2. Identify the characteristics of potentially hazardous foods 3. Describe the dangers of foodborne illness 4. Identify the high risk population 5. Demonstrate the ability to explore and apply proper food handling techniques that will eliminate possible foodborne illness. 6. Demonstrate correct procedures for receiving, preparing, serving and storing food products 7. Identify food handler health problems that are a possible threat to food safety 8. Demonstrate proper personal hygiene procedures with regard to food handling 9. Demonstrate the ability to discuss the importance of food safety training in the workplace.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 107--Menu Planning
3 Credits A hands-on approach to planning, creating, and maintaining effective menus. Discussions include menu items and placement, food costing and creative menu designs for visual appeal. Menu planning and design software may be utilized.
Prerequisite(s): MCC Level 2 Mathematics placement or higher Course Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss various aspects of the food service industry from a menu planning perspective 2. Demonstrate menu item placement and how it affects the marketability of the product 3. Explain how use of the menu in a food service environment impacts on ordering and hiring needs 4. Employ principles and techniques of food costing 5. Determine the menu applications based on information from demographic studies 6. Evaluate various potential customers and their needs, wants, and desires 7. Create a menu
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 108--Principles of Healthy Cooking
3 Credits Through this combination lecture and hands-on laboratory course, students will become familiar with basic nutrition principles upon which healthy menus can be built. Students will learn techniques and ingredient selection for preparing healthy classical and modern cuisine, as well as how to analyze and modify the nutrient content of recipes.
Prerequisite: FSA 106 (may be taken concurrently or previously completed). Course Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the nutrients in food and their relationship to health. 2. Apply nutrition principles to planning healthy menus. 3. Demonstrate techniques in the preparation of healthy menu items. 4. Analyze the nutritional content of a recipe. 5. Interpret food labels and ingredient lists. 6. Make appropriate modifications to recipes, including ingredient substitution, to improve the nutritional composition of a menu item. 7. Create healthy menus. 8. Produce healthy cuisine using classical or modern methods.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 109--Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Food Preparation I
5 Credits The course covers instruction in the foundations of culinary arts, including food theory, demonstrations and hands-on cooking. Students will engage in various food preparation techniques and will sample their culinary creations.
Prerequisite(s):MCC Level 2 Mathematics placement or higher
Corequisite: FSA 106 Course Learning Outcomes 1. Use basic kitchen terminology appropriately. 2. Demonstrate knife skills and cutting techniques. 3. Identify various poultry cuts with their uses. 4. Apply different cooking techniques and predict their outcomes. 5. Identify kitchen tools and equipment and how they are used. 6. Demonstrate application of plating food products for visual appeal. 7. Demonstrate appropriate seasoning of food products. 8. Apply correct sanitation techniques. 9. Execute written recipes with instructor intervention. 10. Acquire skills to work effectively as a member of a team. 11. Demonstrate the ability to work independently. 12. Apply measurement equivalents and recipe conversion principles. 13. Describe and recognize cultural and historical influences on different world cuisines.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 110--Principles of Baking-Bread Products and Cookie Doughs
3 Credits This course covers instruction in the foundations of baking including theory, demonstrations and hands-on cooking. Students will engage in various bread and cookie preparation techniques including quick breads, yeast breads, enriched and laminated doughs, as well as a variety of cookie mixing methods. They will sample and critique their culinary work.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Explain various bakeshop terminologies 2. Demonstrate tool and equipment techniques 3. Identify various ingredients, and their uses 4. Apply different mixing techniques, baking processes and predict their outcomes 5. Demonstrate proper production stages for yeast breads 6. Apply correct food safety and sanitation techniques 7. Demonstrate fundamental baking techniques 8. Interpret and evaluate recipes 9. Demonstrate the ability to work as a team
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 111--Principles of Baking-Pastries and Confections Products
3 Credits This course covers instruction in the foundations of baking and confectionery, including theory, demonstrations and hands-on cooking. Students will explore various pastry preparation and cooking techniques, as well as a variety of confections, pies, tarts, syrups, icings, sauces, custards, creams, and chocolates. They will sample and critique their culinary work.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Explain various bakeshop terminologies 2. Demonstrate tool and equipment techniques 3. Identify various ingredients, and their uses 4. Apply different mixing techniques, baking processes and predict their outcomes 5. Apply correct food safety and sanitation techniques 6. Demonstrate proper production stages for pastries and confections 7. Demonstrate fundamental baking and confectionary techniques 8. Interpret and evaluate recipes 9. Demonstrate the ability to work as a team
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 117--Basic Consumer Nutrition
3 Credits A lecture course that will present information on nutrients and their use by the body. Topics include digestion, usage of nutrients, consequences of nutrient deficiencies or excesses, energy production and analysis of individual diets. Current research is integrated into the course. Depending on program requirements, this course can meet both Food Service (FSA 117) or Natural Science (BIO 117) elective or course requirement. A student may earn credit for BIO 117 or FSA 117, but cannot earn credit for both courses because they are equivalent courses. This course fulfills the MCC requirement for a natural science elective.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Identify the six nutrient classes. 2. Identify the general chemical structure of selected nutrient classes. 3. Explain the role of selected nutrient classes in the human body. 4. Explain some of the uses of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), food guides, or dietary guidelines. 5. Explain some of the limitations of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), food guides, or dietary guidelines. 6. Interpret nutritional values of similar food products using label information. 7. Describe the digestion of nutrients. 8. Describe the absorption of nutrients. 9. Evaluate the percentage of lean body mass based on a set of standards. 10. Discuss how percentage of body fat is determined. 11. Evaluate the percentage of body fat based on a set of standards. 12. Describe optimal methods for weight gain. 13. Describe optimal methods for weight loss. 14. Evaluate popular diets. 15. Describe deficiency of toxicity symptoms of selected vitamins and minerals. 16. Evaluate current nutrition issues from a scientific perspective to distinguish fact from fallacy. 17. Analyze current food intake critically, using recommendations from scientific, health-related organizations. 18. Develop a personal diet plan based on a critical analysis of current food intake and recommendations from scientific, health-related organizations. 19. Identify essential food safety principles for preventing food-borne illness.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 119--Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Food Preparation II
5 Credits The course builds upon concepts learned in Fundamentals of Food Preparation I and covers instruction in advanced techniques of culinary arts, including food theory, demonstrations and hands-on cooking. Students will engage in various advanced food preparation techniques and will sample their culinary creations.
MCC Level 2 Mathematics Placement OR higher and FSA 106 and FSA 109, each with a grade of C or better; Course Learning Outcomes 1. Regularly utilize appropriate kitchen terminology. 2. Display competency in knife skills and cutting techniques. 3. Identify various meat, poultry or fish cuts and their uses. 4. Demonstrate fabrication of various meats, poultry or fish. 5. Apply advanced cooking techniques, including Garde Manger and sauce preparations. 6. Demonstrate selection of specialized kitchen equipment towards the appropriate task without instructor guidance. 7. Display food with increased emphasis on plating and garnishing techniques. 8. Demonstrate appropriate seasoning and balance of spices. 9. Apply correct sanitation techniques. 10. Execute written recipes without instructor intervention. 11. Work effectively as a member of a team. 12. Demonstrate the ability to work independently. 13. Apply recipe costing principles. 14. Describe how cultural and geographical differences influence the selection of ingredients and how the ingredients are incorporated into traditional dishes.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 203--Culinary Arts II: Advanced Food Preparation
5 Credits A laboratory class in which the students supervise and run "The-Heart-of-the-House" commercial kitchen. Opportunities to practice "Back-of-the-House" management skills and menu development is employed here. The students will rotate job responsibilities between two kitchens to ensure familiarity of every facet of the operation and produce food for real diners.
Prerequisite(s): FSA 119 (may be taken concurrently, or previously taken) Course Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate the basic fundamentals of cooking. 2. Participate in a successful kitchen operation. 3. Analyze menus. 4. Create recipes. 5. Calculate the food cost of various recipes. 6. Compare and contrast the different management styles that can be implemented in a commercial kitchen. 7. Perform managerial functions. 8. Apply teamwork to achieve a common goal. 9. Demonstrate effective methods of problem solving and conflict resolution. 10. Identify the top nine allergens in food labels, ingredients, etc.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 205--Purchasing, Storage and Handling
3 Credits A survey of the wide range of purchasing principles to include selection and procurement, specifications, and standard units of purchase. Discussion will include standard bid methods, government regulations, and evaluation of new technology as it impacts the purchase function. The processes of receiving, storing and issuing will also be addressed.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss the purchasing professions as an integral part of the food service organization 2. List the professional organizations impacting this profession 3. Apply generally accepted principles and procedures of selection and procurement in the hospitality industry 4. Analyze specific product characteristics, especially their market distribution, quality standards and other selection factors 5. Identify standard units of purchase 6. Prepare product specifications and apply them to the ordering procedures 7. Describe various ordering procedures using standard industry accepted methods 8. Explain the processes of receiving, storage and issuing
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 209--Bar Management
3 Credits An overview of the entire beverage industry, including alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, is provided. Discussions to include the study of beverage operations and their laws. Purchasing, storage, handling, pricing, as well as service techniques are covered.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Articulate the history of alcoholic beverages (Wines, Beer, Spirits) 2. Discuss the differences in production of alcoholic beverages 3. Interpret Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) and evaluate the effect alcohol has on the human body 4. Compare and contrast the different types of marketing plans used in today's advertising for alcoholic beverages 5. Identify and discuss the various challenges that relate to the beverage operations business 6. Formulate a profitable mark-up price in distributing beverages 7. Articulate local and national laws regarding the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 211--Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Baking and Pastry
4 Credits Students will learn the fundamentals of baking and pastries. Theory and hands-on work will support the students’ understanding of this art and science. This course is intended to give the student a detailed understanding of the components of various bread, cookie and pastry preparation techniques including quick breads, yeast breads, enriched and laminated doughs, cookie mixing methods, pies, tarts, syrups, icings, sauces, custards, creams, and cakes. Students will sample and critique their culinary work.
FSA 106 and FSA 109, each with a grade of C or better. Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply different mixing techniques, baking processes and predict their outcomes. 2. Demonstrate proper production stages for breads and pastries. 3. Demonstrate fundamental baking techniques. 4. Interpret recipes for the intended outcome. 5. Work effectively as a member of a team. 6. Use basic bakeshop terminology appropriately. 7. Demonstrate tool and equipment techniques. 8. Identify various ingredients, and their uses. 9. Apply correct food safety and sanitation techniques.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 221--Cost Control
3 Credits This course will provide students with an overview of the factors which drive profitability in the food and beverage industry. Discussions include Income Statements, Sales Forecasting, Purchasing and Receiving, Inventory Management, Food and Beverage Cost Percentages, Labor Costs and Menu Analysis.
Prerequisite(s): MCC Level 2 Mathematics Placement or higher Course Learning Outcomes 1. Identify the components of an income statement. 2. Discuss the components of an income statement. 3. Forecast future sales based on sales history. 4. Complete a purchase order. 5. Discuss inventory management control methods. 6. Calculate food, beverage, or labor costs. 7. Identify the factors affecting menu pricing.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
FSA 230--International Cuisine: Advanced Food Prep
3 Credits Through this combination lecture and hands-on laboratory class, students will learn about the cuisines that are representative of various international cultures. Students will explore the equipment, cooking techniques, ingredients and flavor profiles of a variety of countries. They will learn how the geography and history of each country is related to the cuisine which represents the culture.
FSA 106 and FSA 109, each with a grade of C or better, or permission of department Course Learning Outcomes 1. Identify common ingredients and flavors from various cultures. 2. Identify the characteristics of several of the world's major taste profiles. 3. Employ a variety of cooking methods to produce quality food products. 4. Examine how physical or geographical factors contribute to cultural food identity. 5. Utilize specialty equipment in the production of culturally authentic food dishes. 6. Demonstrate techniques in the preparation of international cuisine.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025