
First-time Students

  • Be a first-time full-time student (no prior college).
  • Be a resident of New York State (one year).
  • Be a high school graduate with a (70-85) overall GPA in core academic classes or have a G.E.D. (General Equivalency Diploma) or TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion).
  • A member of a household with a gross annual income that does not exceed the applicable amount stated in the New York State Education Department's Guidelines (see Financial Guidelines chart).


(For students first entering college on or after July 1, 2025)

Household Size
(including head of household)
Total Annual Income In
2023 Calendar Year
1 $27,861
2 $37,814
3 $47,767
4 $57,720
5 $67,673
6 $77,626
7 $87,579
8 $97,532*

* For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $9,953 for each additional person.

Transfer Students

Transfer students must be admitted to MCC and have been previously enrolled in EOP, HEOP, SEEK, College Discovery or a similar program at a post-secondary institution. Verification of prior status must be submitted to EOP.

Readmit Students

Readmit students must have been previously enrolled in EOP at MCC, but have not received a degree. Applicants should be in good academic standing from the last semester of enrollment.

Both transfer and readmit students should not be in default on any student loans and have not reached their maximum of six semesters of EOP eligibility.