Dental Assisting Rapid Track Program
MCC’s Dental Assisting Rapid Track (DART) Certificate program is offered online during fall and spring semesters for students currently employed at a dental practice. Laboratory and clinical experience are monitored by the sponsoring dentist. The DART program allows the student to be able to fulfill all the requirements necessary for licensure for New York State.
Admission Requirements
To be admitted to the program, students must:
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent
- Be currently employed as a dental assistant by a dentist who will act as a preceptor
- Complete a Preceptor Packet
- Have access to a computer and the Internet
Refer to Admission Information for Dental Assisting Rapid Track for competitive admission information.
For an application, contact the MCC Admissions Office at (585) 292-2000, or apply to MCC on-line.
Requirements for Successful Completion
- 200+ hours of clinical practice experience during the program
- Successful completion of each course