High-Impact Practice (HIP) Curriculum Options
The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU) defines High-Impact Practices (HIPs) as teaching and learning practices that “have been widely tested and have been shown to be beneficial for college students from many backgrounds, especially historically underserved students." At MCC, HIPs are intentionally designed teaching practices that promote student learning by catalyzing student engagement with positive consequences for student retention and momentum. Learn more at High-Impact Educational Practices or through MCC's Teaching and Creativity Center. For more information about High-Impact Practices at MCC, please email Maria Brandt (mbrandt@westridgeparkapartments.com).
MCC currently supports the following High-Impact Practices:
Why apply for a HIPs-Designation
HIPs Support Student Learning:
- Help students achieve learning outcomes
- Elevate student engagement, success, retention, and completion
HIPs Enhance Professional Development and Personal Satisfaction:
- Add purpose and therefore pleasure to teaching
- Encourage faculty growth and collaboration
- Fortify AFDR compliance
HIPs Strengthen Program Development:
- Promote more intentional course design
- Improve DEISJ-Outcome accountability
- Enhance program-level scaling and assessment
HIPs Advance the College’s Goals:
- Reinforce MCC’s Strategic Plan
- Help MCC meet Key Performance Indicators
Capstone Experience (CE)
A course designated as a Capstone Experience (CE) functions as a culmination for students in a particular program. As such, any CE-designated course will offer students the opportunity to synthesize in some way the totality of their academic experiences at MCC. The goal is for students to understand themselves more deeply in relation to their program, and also to lay groundwork for the next stages of their academic and/or professional lives. For more information, please contact Maria Brandt (mbrandt@westridgeparkapartments.com).
Collaborative Learning (CL)
Collaborative Learning (CL) represents a High-Impact Practice at MCC, includes all disciplines, and encompasses a variety of activities in the classroom, lab, studio, and/or field. CL-designated courses provide active, cooperation-based academic environments that emphasize learning the language, skills, and processes of the discipline through collaborative engagement with peers and professors. Collaborative Learning (CL) combines two key goals: learning to work and solve problems as part of a group of interdependent individuals and sharpening one’s own understanding by listening to and reflecting on the insights of others, especially those with different backgrounds and life experiences. Please contact Terry Shamblin (tshamblin@westridgeparkapartments.com) or Ryan Clemens (rclemens@westridgeparkapartments.com) for more information.
Global Learning (GL)
Focused on building global perspectives into course curriculum in measurable ways, Global Learning ensures that students are acquiring the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to participate in a global community and workforce. Global Learning in the classroom includes but is not limited to COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning), United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), faculty-led study-abroad, modules created by Cornell Community College Internationalization Fellows, and micro-credentials. Ultimately, co-curricular Global Learning is intended to enhance all learning in the classroom. Please contact Christina Lee (clee40@westridgeparkapartments.com) for more information.
Learning Community (LC)
Learning Communities encourage integration of learning across courses and involve students with themes and questions that go beyond an academic discipline. Students take two or more integrated courses as a (sub)group and work closely with each other and their professor(s). Many Learning Communities explore a common topic through the lenses of different disciplines in a variety of ways. A Learning Community seeks to build deeper relationships between faculty, students, and multiple disciplines via a connected interdisciplinary learning environment. The shared purpose of Learning Communities is to create a holistic approach to student learning and engagement. This learning environment fosters improved critical thinking, persistence, success, and retention through active, collaborative, and/or experiential learning opportunities. Please contact Meghan Glaser (mglaser@westridgeparkapartments.com) for more information.
Service Learning (SV)
Service Learning combines civic engagement with academic coursework in a way that benefits both the student and community. Service Learning projects split the focus between community needs and student academic achievement. Students who complete 200 hours of service learning and successfully complete those courses (2.0 GPA or higher) earn a special diploma of distinction. Service Learning projects typically range from 15 to 30 hours. For more information, please contact Kathleen Borbee (kborbee@westridgeparkapartments.com).
Undergraduate Research (UR)
UR-designated courses at MCC provide an active, inquiry-based learning environment that emphasizes the language and processes of research and/or creative activity in the classroom. The purpose of UR-designated courses is to promote a culture in which students are encouraged to explore, enter, and advance current dialogues in academic disciplines. Please contact Maria Brandt (mbrandt@westridgeparkapartments.com) or visit the Undergraduate Research website for more information.
Writing Intensive (WR)
The Writing Across the Curriculum Program promotes writing as an effective way of teaching and learning in any discipline. In Writing Intensive (WR) courses, students have the opportunity to explore the course content through both formal and informal writing assignments. Formal assignments are written for a reader and typically are graded; a minimum of 2,000 words per semester in formal assignments is required of a WR course. Informal assignments are written largely for one's self and are instructor-specific. Informal writing helps the student to think on paper and work through the course content. Through writing, students increase their understanding of course content while learning the importance of writing as an expression of thinking. Solid writing skills also benefit students when they conduct employment searches or apply for admission to other colleges and universities. For more information, please contact Amy Burtner (aburtner@westridgeparkapartments.com).