Student Employment
The Richard M. Guon Child Care Center employs students as part-time caregivers during the fall and spring semesters. Applicants are encouraged to stop in and fill out an application. Placements are usually made in August for the fall semester, and in early January for the spring semester.
Students who are enrolled in MCC's Early Childhood Education classes or who have had previous experience working with children in a group setting are given first priority.

Applicants are required to submit three personal and three professional references. They must also complete a questionnaire to submit to the New York State Central Registry. Students who are hired will be fingerprinted and asked to submit an updated medical form. All staff receive an orientation and ongoing training.
Internships, fieldwork placements, and employment opportunities offer MCC students a chance to gain firsthand classroom experience under the supervision of our professional early care and education staff.
Contact Information
Brighton Campus
Building 22
M thru F, 7:00am to 5:30pm
(585) 292-2640
Fax: (585) 292-3863
Email Childcare Center