Academic Assessment

"Assessment enables continuous improvement and ensures that the educational and support services that students receive are relevant and current, and that they meet the needs of MCC's diverse student population."
- Elena Dilai, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Former Chair of College Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) Committee
MCC has been engaged in academic assessment for over a decade, and the College continues its commitment to assessment and evaluation through an evolving process that includes inquiry, investigation, research, analysis, and dialogue.
This web page is meant to serve the needs of the MCC community in all areas of assessment and evaluation -- to be a focal point for those interested in learning more about the principles, mechanics, and outcomes of assessment and evaluation processes. If there are other resources that you would like to see that are not currently available, let us know!
Contact Information
Brighton Campus
Building 1, 301B
(585) 292-2179
Susan Hall, Assistant Director, Curriculum and Assessment