Glossary of Terms
Student Handbook Shortcuts:
Accreditation: an independent review of a college’s educational programs to determine that they are uniform, of sound quality and adhere to academic standards. Once a college is accredited, it is able to participate in federal and state aid programs and its students may transfer credits to other colleges.
ACCUPLACER: A suite of tests used to assess students’ knowledge in math, reading and writing as he/she prepares to enroll in college-level courses. Academic advisors use the results of the assessment in conjunction with the student’s academic background, goals and interests. Counselors place the student in appropriate college courses that meet his or her skill level.
Certificate: A credential issued to a student who has gained a high degree of specialization through a short program of study. Completion of curriculum is recognized rather than the earning of a degree.
Certificate of Residence: A form that must be completed each academic year, by the student, to certify that they have been a legal resident of New York State for the past year and a resident of Monroe County for the past six months. (The form is submitted to the Student Accounts Office.)
Course: An organized series of instructional and learning activities dealing with a subject. At the high school level, study of a subject is often referred to as taking a “class.” At the college level, it is referred to as completing a “course.”
Course Cancellation: A circumstance when a course is removed from the schedule of course offerings because a condition (perhaps low enrollment) exists. Students are dropped from the cancelled course without incurring a cost and there is no record of the course on their college transcript. The term “de-scheduled” relates to this process.
Course Information Sheet: A document that includes course learning outcomes, class policies, and grading information. During the beginning of the course, this document is given to students by the faculty member.
Credentials: A qualification, achievement, personal quality, or aspect of a person's background, typically when used to indicate that they are suitable for something. For instance, all high school teachers teaching College Now courses must have the “credentials” (academic background and experience) equivalent to an MCC adjunct faculty member.
Credit Hour: A unit that gives weight to the value, level or time requirements of an academic course. In high school, classes are usually the same number of hours and students earn one credit for a class that lasts all year or half of one credit for a class that lasts one semester. At a college or university, students typically receive credit “hours” based on the number of "contact hours" per week in a course for a term. A contact hour includes any lecture or lab time when the professor is teaching the student or coaching the student while they apply the course information to an activity. Regardless of the duration of the course, each course carries a certain number of “credit hours.” The total number of “credit hours” that a student is registered for determines whether they are considered a part-time or full-time student for the term.
Cumulative Grade-Point Average: An overall average from the grades and grade points earned from all the courses completed (also known as one’s GPA or Grade-Point Average). GPAs range from 4.00 for an “A” to 0.00 for an “F”.
Curriculum: The academic content, standards, and outcomes of a course. A program of courses approved for a specific degree or certificate. To earn a degree or certificate in a specific program, you must complete the curriculum for that program.
Drop-add: Scheduled times when a student can drop a course that he or she has registered for and/or add a new one.
College Now: A concurrent enrollment program with the purpose of promoting partnerships between school districts and colleges to share curricula and high-impact practices, as well as to introduce students to college culture and to help prepare students for post-secondary opportunities.
Electives: Credit courses of the student’s choice that may be applied toward the requirements of a degree or certificate.
FERPA: An acronym for the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act - a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.
Full-time Student: A student who is enrolled for 12 or more credit hours in a term.
Matriculated Student: A student who has applied for and been formally accepted as a candidate for a degree or certificate in a specific curriculum. A student must be a matriculated student in order to receive financial aid.
Non-matriculated Student: A student who is taking courses without applying for candidacy for a degree or certificate.
Orientation: A program designed to help new students become part of the college community. A college orientation introduces students to campus life, helps the student to make connections with other members of the college community and informs the student about facilities, services and resources. An academic orientation serves to describe a specific program of study and its requirements.
Part-time Student: A student who is taking fewer than 12 credit hours in a term.
Prerequisites: Something that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist. For instance, the Principles of Macroeconomics course has a prerequisite. Before a student can take Principles of Macroeconomics, they must complete Intermediate Algebra or MTH 104 with a passing grade.
Registration: The process of selecting and signing up for courses that a student would like to take in a semester. The timeframe in which students can register is known as the “open registration period.” Students who miss the “open registration period” are not eligible to register.
Registration and Records: An office at Monroe Community College that serves students in processing their registration: adding classes, dropping classes, withdrawing from classes and with providing official transcripts.
Student Accounts: An office at Monroe Community College’s Brighton Campus that is responsible for maintaining student account information, issuing tuition bills, receiving payments for tuition and fees, and collecting on delinquent accounts.
Student Number: A number that is assigned as a permanent, unique identifier for the sake of student records. At MCC, the student number is referred to as an “M number.”
Transcript: An official record of the courses a student has taken and the grades he or she earned in each course.
Two Plus Two (2+2): A transfer degree program set up to enable a student to gain his or her associate’s degree at the community college and to be guaranteed admission to a participating four-year college as a junior.
Withdrawal from Courses: A process of officially removing one’s self from a course after the add-drop period has passed. Voluntary removal from the course occurs without a refund of tuition and a “W” is shown on the student’s transcript.