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Transfer Pathway Guides

2+3 with Rochester Institute of Technology

B.S. Electrical Engineering Technology (ET31), Computer Engineering Technology (ET34)

MCC Degree Awarded:

Electrical Engineering Technology - Electronics A.A.S. (ET01)

Please note that some courses required in a Transfer Pathway may not be required for the MCC program. This could have financial aid implications. Students should meet with their advisor or with a transfer representative to discuss an academic plan and recommended sequence of courses.

RIT course equivalencies and number of credits accepted are indicated in parenthesis. This indicates how the courses will transfer to RIT.

Read RIT specific notes at bottom of page. Be sure to closely read this entire guide.

Credit Hours
ENG 101 College Composition or ENG 200 Advanced Composition (UWRT 150)
3 (3)
ELT 121 AC/DC Circuit Analysis (EEET 115 & 116)
4 (4)
ELT 111 Introduction to Digital Electronics (Possible Open Elective - determined by RIT)
3 (3)
MTH 175 Precalculus or MTH 200 Applied Calculus (RIT Math/Science Requirement)
4 (3)
CPT 101 Introduction to Computing (TXFR 100 - Elective) - Take instead of TEK 101. Taking this will allow the CRC course typically taken in the fourth semester to be waived. Request Course Substitution and Waiver from MCC advisor or department chair.  
4 (3)
18 (16)
MTH 160 Statistics I (STAT 145)
3 (3)
ELT 102 Electric Circuit Analysis II (EEET 125 & 126)
5 (4)
ELT 112 Linear Circuits (EEET 213)
5 (3)
SOC 101 Intro to Sociology (Social Perspective at RIT) - Take instead of SPC 141.
Request Course Substitution from MCC advisor or department chair.
3 (3)
16 (13)
ELT 201 Linear Systems (EEET 223)
4 (4)
ELT 202 Pulse and Digital Circuits (CPET 133)
4 (3)
PHY 145 College Physics I (PHYS 111)
4 (4)
HEG 215 World Health and Culture (Global Perspective at RIT)
3 (3)
15 (14)
ELT 204 Industrial Electronics and Control (TXFR 100 - Elective) OR ELT 134 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controller (technical elective at RIT) Consult with advisor to determine best option
4 (3)
ELT 205 Communication Systems (EEET 313)
5 (3)
ELT 206 Digital Systems and Microprocessors (CPET 253)
5 (3)
PHL 105 Technology and Values (Ethical Perspective at RIT) - not required for MCC degree
3 (3)
17 (12)
66 (52-55)

RIT requires several semesters of calculus for this degree. MCC courses MTH 210 and 211 will transfer to RIT as MATH 181 and MATH 182. Students could take these courses at MCC.

Students can also take ENG 251 Technical Communication at MCC. It will transfer as COMM 142 at RIT.

Students transferring to RIT will need co-ops and additional coursework that will extend their time at RIT. The 4th/final co-op block can be waived if the student receives a full-time job offer in their field of study.

Electronics courses are normally offered only one semester per year, and have as a prerequisite certain lower numbered ELT courses. Failure to complete ELT courses in a properly planned sequence may result in a delay of graduation. Most other courses in this program are available Fall, Spring and Summer sessions.

RIT Course Equivalencies.

Credits showing as accepted by MCC may not be transferable. See
Transfer and Test Credit. Contact RIT with questions.

GPA of 2.75 or higher is advised for acceptance to RIT. GPA of 2.0 or higher is required for MCC graduation.

The Electrical Engineering Technology A.A.S. (ET01) will be the degree student is audited against and awarded from MCC.

Documentation source: MCC Advisement & Transfer Services 2023-2024. Updated 2/9/2024

While every effort is made to ensure accurate information, students are strongly advised to verify course transferability with the four-year institution as they will make the final determination of transfer credit.

Links to information at Rochester Institute of Technology
Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology