Wellness Coaching and Health Management

50% or more of this program can be completed online.

Coach others to greater health and wellness

Monroe Community College’s Wellness Coaching and Health Management A.S. degree prepares you for a field with a robust 13% annual growth rate!* Professionals in health and wellness coaching often work as part of a team that includes other health care professionals and fitness experts. Together, you’ll focus on helping clients increase day-to-day productivity and vitality, prevent disease, and reach their individual fitness goals. You’ll find rewarding work educating and guiding others in clinics, corporations, and fitness clubs such as:

  • UR Health
  • Gold’s Gym
  • Paychex
  • Excellus
  • Lifetime Health

Learn a holistic approach to the science and psychology of healthy living

Through classroom, lab and field experiences, you’ll study the many physical and emotional aspects of health and wellness. You’ll strengthen communication skills essential to this client-centered field. And you’ll leave ready for entry-level positions (such as Fitness Instructor) or further study leading to a wide variety of job titles in public health or private practice, including:

  • Wellness Specialist
  • Fitness and Wellness Coordinator
  • Public Health Educator
  • Dietician

Students pursuing a bachelor’s or graduate degree may apply to SUNY Oswego’s Wellness Management B.S. degree program.

Get in touch with Monroe Community College’s admissions office to learn more about the opportunities you can create with MCC’s Wellness Coaching and Health Management A.S. degree. Contact us at admissions@westridgeparkapartments.com or (585) 292-2200.

*Faster than average rate of 13% per year through 2024, compared to the average of 7% for all other occupations (Bureau of Labor Statistics).


A.S. Degree - Transfer Program

Department:Health and Physical Education

School(s): Health Sciences & Physical Wellness

MCC Program Code: WC01

50% or more of this program can be completed online.

This program is designed for individuals who want to enter the new and emerging field of Wellness Coaching and Health Management. Wellness Coaches facilitate the development of healthy goals including; lifestyle enhancement, healthy nutrition, improved physical activity and stress reduction. The Wellness Coach takes traditional fitness and wellness promotion one step further and actively assists clients in social advocacy, complementary therapies, meaning, purpose and life vision. Students will acquire a strong foundation in science as it relates to human movement and fitness, behavior change, and wellness. Additionally, students will develop skills in assessment and program planning, implementation and monitoring. Students will have the opportunity to earn Health and Wellness Coaching Certification at the local level. An additional certification fee and certification exam is required. Mastery of skills and completion of this program will also help prepare students to become certified by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC).

Program Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the field of Wellness Coaching and Management
2. Describe the role of comprehensive wellness in the context of behavior change within the field of Wellness Coaching and Management.
3. Assess client wellness within accepted professional standards and within the scope of practice.
4. Evaluate client history in the development of a comprehensive Wellness Program.
5. Evaluate client readiness in the development of a comprehensive Wellness Program
6. Implement comprehensive behavior change programs including the cognitive-, effective-, and psychomotor-learning domains.
7. Comply with professional standards, ethics, and applicable laws and regulations regarding the practice of Wellness Coaching.
8. Interpret current research in the discipline.
9. Engage in professional associations within the profession.

Employment Potential
For related jobs: Career Coach
Occupational Resource: http://www.onetonline.org

Requirements for Program Entrance
HS Biology with a grade of C or better, or any lab-based Biology course numbered 120 or higher with a grade of C- or better, or permission of instructor. MCC Level 8 Mathematics Placement.

Distribution Requirements

Credit Hours
ENG 101 College Composition OR
ENG 200 Advanced Composition
MTH 160 Statistics I
HED 130 Foundations of Health and Wellness
PPE 100 Introduction to Sport Science
PEC 253 Stress Management
First Semester Total:
BIO 134 Essential of Human Anatomy and Physiology I
HED 210 Integrative Health and Behavior Change Methods
HED 207 Emotional Wellness OR
HED 212 Women's Health and Wellness OR
HEG 211 Black Women's Mental Health & Wellness
PEC 250 Fitness and Wellness
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychological Science
Second Semester Total:
BIO 135 Essential of Human Anatomy and Physiology II
PPE 208 Wellness, Exercise, and Sport Psychology
PPE 240 Practicum in Professional Skills
HEG 215 Global Health and Culture
HED 115 Death and Dying OR
HEG 200 Multicultural and Diversity Influences in Health and Wellness
Third Semester Total:
FOURTH SEMESTER: 16 Credit Hours
BUS 104 Introduction to Business
HED 209 Drugs and Behavior
PPE 275 Physiology of Exercise
PSY 200 Behavior Modification
PPE 272 Diversity and Equity Issues in Health and Wellness
Fourth Semester Total:
Revised: 2/13/2024

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School of Health Sciences & Physical WellnessThe School of Health Sciences & Physical Wellness prepares you to deliver quality patient/client care, and improve the health of individuals and communities through education and service.