Health Information Technology/Medical Records

Data-driven health care is here, and health information technicians lead the way

The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that demand for health information technicians will increase 21% by 2020, making it one of our nation’s fastest growing professions.

You can play a key role in this growth with a health information technology/medical records associate degree from Monroe Community College. Develop your interests in health care and information technology so you’ll be hired for positions like these:

  • Clinical documentation specialist
  • Electronic health record specialist
  • Health information technician
  • Data integrity specialist
  • Clinical health data analyst
  • Medical coder

Learn Essential H.I.T. Skills and Earn Health Information Technician Certification

Today’s health information professionals are pioneers in health data collection, analysis, monitoring, and reporting. MCC’s health information technology A.A.S. program will prepare you to excel in this interesting and challenging field. You’ll study:

  • Ways that health information technologists help health care professionals and administrators make good decisions
  • How to maintain documentation compliance required by law and insurers
  • Principles of confidentiality and security in today’s e-health environment

In addition, you’ll take essential health care courses such as human anatomy, physiology, medical terminology and clinical coding.

As a graduate, you’ll be eligible to take the certification exam to become a Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT). The door will open wide to many organizations that value health information professionals, including:

  • Hospitals
  • Health clinics
  • Long term care facilities
  • Government agencies
  • Insurance companies
  • Financial auditing firms

You’ll also be qualified to pursue advanced health information degrees through the PhD level.

The A.A.S. Degree Program in Health Information Technology/Medical Records at Monroe Community College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education ( Graduates of this program are eligible to complete the national examination for the designation of Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) administered by the American Health Information Management Association. ( AHIMA: 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2150, Chicago, IL 60601-5800; phone 312-233-1100; fax 312-233-1090).

CAHIIM Accredited Program Logo


Fall 2016 – Spring 2017


Academic Year MCC rate National Rate
8/01/2016 – 07/01/2017 86% 68%

20 out of 20 second year students graduated

15 OUT OF 20 students within 1 year of graduation

To find out more about the health information technology associate degree from Monroe Community College, contact the admissions office at or (585) 292-2200.

Health Information Technology/Medical Records

A.A.S. Degree - Career Program

Department:Health Professions

School(s): Health Sciences & Physical Wellness

MCC Program Code: HI01

This program's design is based on: Traditional MCC General Education

The individual holding an associate degree in health information technology is the technical expert in health data collection, analysis, monitoring, maintenance, and reporting activities in accordance with established data quality principles, legal and regulatory standards, and professional best practice guidelines. These functions encompass, among other areas, processing and using health data for coding, billing, compliance, and surveillance purposes. In an e-health environment, this individual performs these functions through the use of various electronic systems.

Registered Health Information Technicians (RHIT) are employed in managerial or technical capacities in health information departments of hospitals, health clinics, long term care facilities, and other health care facilities. Opportunities are available in quality improvement programs, hospital associations, industries, governmental agencies, health information systems, insurance companies, financial auditing firms, and consulting.

Admission and continuation in the HIT program is conditional upon completion of the following requirements:

A. A grade of C or better in High School Biology.
B. All college placement test recommendations must be completed prior to full admission to the program.
C. Completion of medical requirements, clearance of existing health problem(s), and ability to meet essential functions (physical and mental demands) of the program.
D. A grade of C or better is required in all BIO and HIM courses, as well as MTH 150 and CRC 120 in order to meet degree requirements.
1. A grade of C or better is required, first time, in HIM 100 and HIM 103 for continued matriculation in the program.
2. A student who fails to achieve a grade of C or better in BIO, other HIM courses, as well as MTH 150 and CRC 120, will be given the opportunity to repeat the course once. This option may be elected for a maximum of two courses. No HIM course may be taken more than twice.
3. Successful completion of each Professional Practice internship is required in order to remain in the program.
Readmission to the program is not automatic. Students seeking readmission to the program should contact the Program Director for Health Information Technology for information. Readmission, if approved, is always on a space available basis.
The program of study must be completed within five years of matriculation.
The student is responsible for arranging transportation to and from the College and local professional practice sites when required.

Program Learning Outcomes
1) Manage healthcare data appropriately in accordance with its intended use.
2) Apply sound principles of confidentiality and security to health information as prescribed by law.
3) Utilize strategies in health information technologies to enable decision making by healthcare professionals.
4) Apply healthcare reimbursement principles in accordance with established requirements in a healthcare environment.
5) Assist healthcare professionals in maintaining documented compliance with health information regulations and standards.
6) Demonstrate leadership skills at strategic, tactical or operational levels.
7) Identify and discuss key medical terms and associated concepts underpinning the health information technology profession.
8) Apply critical thinking skills within the context of the health information profession.
9) Practice behaviors consistent with strong personal branding standards.


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